【解釋】: 原形容魚悠然自在的樣子。現用來形容人搖頭晃腦、輕浮得意的樣子。
【近義詞】: 搖頭晃腦、仰首伸眉、自鳴得意【反義詞】: 興致索然、垂頭喪氣、萎靡不振
【用法】: 作謂語、定語;指得意輕浮的樣子
夢幻西遊魔王寨弟子法術功效:施放持續燃燒的火焰,一定回合內造成傷害使用條件:人物飛升且“牛虱陣”技能達到 120 級消耗: 50 點魔法
shake the head and wag the tail -- assume an air of complacency ;toss its head and tail;waggle the tail to please the master;well-content and pleased;
1.shake the head and wag the tail -- assume an air of complacency ; toss its head and tail; waggle the tail to please the master; well-content and pleased
有些甚至可以搖頭擺尾,舞動爪子。Some even have a movable head, tail or feet.惡狗為什麼向你搖頭擺尾,因為你手中有塊帶肉的骨頭。Why do you yaotoubaiwei fierce dogs, because your hands are pieces of meat with bones.我們的大章魚在天空中搖頭擺尾,好像在和我開玩笑,我拿著線都要被帶到天空了。Our big octopus shakes the head and wags the tail prideful, likes making joke with us, I was almost brought to the sky by it!看櫥窗里有著一條小狗,它搖頭擺尾可真逗。花多少錢才能把它買下?我希望它能夠出售。How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the wabbly tail. How much is that doggie in the window? I do hope that doggie is for sate.Provided by jukuu你們這些右翼就知道唧唧歪歪支持我們的北約盟友的費用,但是我保證如果坐在白宮裡的總統是個民主黨人,你們會搖頭擺尾的討他或她的好。Thomas yesterday all you right wingers were whining about the cost of supporting our nato allies, but I guarnateed if it were a republican president in the white house you, ll all be fawning over him or her.