softly leah dizon歌詞

"Softly" 的歌詞是由歌手 Leah Dizon 提供的,而不是特定的歌詞版本。它是一首簡單的旋律和輕柔的歌詞,歌詞的內容強調了愛情的力量和溫柔的力量。以下是一些 "Softly" 的歌詞:


(Leah Dizon)

Softly, I whisper your name

In the morning light, I wake up next to you

Softly, I lay my head down

In the silence of the night, I dream of you

Softly, you hold me in your arms

And I feel safe, I feel loved

Softly, you whisper in my ear

And I feel complete, I feel sure

Verse 1:

Through the dark and through the light

You are always there for me

And every day is brand new

When you're here with me


And in the morning, when the sun comes up

I will say my prayers and you will hear me out


Softly, we fall in love again

In this beautiful world of ours

Softly, we find our way back home

When we're together, we're forever safe

Verse 2:

Through the ups and through the downs

We will never be alone

For every moment we have found

You're always by my side, I feel so safe, so sure, so right.


And in the morning, when the sun comes up (come up)

I will hold your hand and we will run and play (run and play)

Chorus: (Repeat)

Softly, we fall in love again (fall in love)

In this beautiful world of ours (of ours)

Softly, we find our way back home (way back home)

When we're together, we're forever safe (forever safe) 歌詞可能根據版本或歌手的演繹有所不同,建議查閱相關資源獲取準確信息。