rock n roll avril歌詞

"Rock n roll" 是 Avril Lavigne 的歌曲,以下是一些主要的歌詞:


Yeah, I'm coming out, my disguise is gone

Trying to hold it in, keep it inside

But my heart, it says another line

So I let it out, let it all out

主歌(Verse 1):

I'm feeling young, feeling strong

Got the music in my head

And I'm feeling good, feeling free

Just rock n roll me, yeah


主歌(Verse 2):

Got my favorite things, like a cigarette

And a rock n roll night

And I'm feeling fine, feeling fine

Just rock n roll me, yeah


I'm feeling the beat, the rhythm of the drums

Feel the magic in the air, oh yeah

It's the perfect time, the perfect place

For what's coming next, I'll say

