"Hit Me With Your Best Shot"是由Lionel Richie和Diane Warren作曲,Paul Stewart和Terry Christian作詞的一首歌曲。以下是其歌詞:
You better hit me with your best shot
Gonna lay my body down
Cuz I'm ready to roll
Get ready to dance
Got to give it up, I won't argue
Cuz my head's in pain, got to set it free
Let it go, just don't say goodbye
Just swing on my luckey
Now we don't need no talk,
When you get up, let it sink in now
Hit me with your best shot, baby
You know you got the power baby
To make me feel the way I feel
You know you got the power baby
To make me feel alright
You got the fire in your belly baby
You know you got the fire to stay
You got the fire in your belly baby
To make me feel alright
Now we don't need no talk,
When you get up, let it sink in now
Hit me with your best shot, baby
Now we don't need no talk,
When you get up, let it sink in now
Come on and hit me with your best shot, baby
It's a brand new day, a new beginning
A chance for you and me to make a new decision
It's time to move on, and make a new commitment
To keep the dream of love forever true, so籃球鞋跟其他鞋子有哪些區別?
1. 支撐和保護:籃球鞋通常比普通鞋子更堅固和穩定,可以提供更好的支撐和保護。這是因為籃球運動需要運動員快速移動、跳躍和扭轉,所以需要鞋子提供足夠的穩定性來防止受傷。
2. 抓地力和防滑:籃球場需要出色的抓地力,以防止球員在快速移動和轉身時滑倒。因此,籃球鞋通常具有出色的防滑性能和優秀的抓地力,以確保球員在各種地麵條件下都能保持穩定。
3. 緩衝和減震:籃球運動會對腳部和膝蓋造成很大的衝擊。為了減少這種衝擊,籃球鞋通常具有出色的緩衝和減震性能,以減輕運動員的受傷風險。
4. 舒適性和貼合度:籃球鞋通常具有更舒適的設計和更貼合腳型的材料,以確保球員在長時間運動時不會感到不適。此外,籃球鞋通常會根據不同球員的腳型進行定製,以確保最佳的舒適度和貼合度。
5. 耐磨性和耐污性:籃球鞋需要能夠承受高強度的運動和頻繁的使用。因此,它們通常具有更好的耐磨性和耐污性,以確保鞋子能夠長時間使用而不會磨損或弄髒。