I'm on my own but I'm feeling the vibes
But you ain't here and it's feeling like days
Time for me to clear my mind
Feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders
Wish I could see your face in the morning
Make the phone call, that's all I'm asking
Now it's the distance and the time
Gonna be alright, gonna be alright
Stop the second guessing, gotta stop doubting yourself
Yeah, I been feeling you, girl, it's realness
Now let's go to sleep and we'll wake up in our dreams
Don't let this time slip away
其中“stop the second guessing”這句話翻譯為:停止無謂的猜疑。該句是鼓勵自己去面對自己內心真實的感覺,而不是停留在猜想、猜測和懷疑上。不要猶豫,不要拖延,去做自己真正想做的事情,不要被恐懼和不安所控制。