《Advantage Together》的歌詞如下:
Yeah, 1, 2, 3, 4
Come on and feel the vibe
Together, together
Together, together
Together, together
Yo yo yo
Yo yo yo
Everybody just move your body
Come on and let me hear you say hey hey hey
Together, together
Together, together
Come on and feel the vibe tonight
Together, together (together) oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah (Come on) come on and dance with me now (Come on) come on and dance with me now (Come on) come on and dance with me now (Come on) come on and feel the vibe tonight (Come on) come on and feel the vibe tonight (Come on) come on and feel the vibe tonight (Come on) together, together (together) now everybody put your hands up put your hands up put your hands up high oh my god, everybody in the club sing with me right now this is hot alright 4ever my ladies and my kings make some noise make some noise right now if you want the stars like we do everybody wear heels in here (do you want that?) i will teach you how to shake it shake it up right now like a girl should do it (come on) we don't stop until we get it right every single beat in here (every single beat) we make it work for you and me (for you and me) let's get it right now like a champion team together we ride for the night we don't stop until we get it right together we ride for the night we don't stop until we get it right together, together, together, together now everybody clap your hands clap your hands clap your hands loud clap your hands loud clap loud for real clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap (Come on) come on and dance with me now (Come on) come on and dance with me now (Come on) come on and dance with me now (Come on) come on and feel the vibe tonight (Come on) come on and feel the vibe tonight (Come on) come on and feel the vibe tonight (Come on) together, together (together) now everybody put your hands up put your hands up put your hands up high oh my god, everybody in the club sing with me right now this is hot alright 4ever my ladies and my kings make some noise make some noise alright alright alright alright alright alright alright 1 2 3 4 dance with me with me alright now ladies put your hands up your hands up ladies put your hands up high for real let's make some noise alright my guys let's go now every body dance with me alright this is how we do it alright alright 4ever i love you guys i love you forever i love you forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever together together 一起跳起來吧!一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來。一起來了,一起一起來了!起來起來!站起來站起來起來!讓我們跟著音樂的節奏跳起來!讓我們跟著音樂跳起來吧!大家一起舞動起來吧!站起來,我們一起舞蹈起來吧!大家一起起來,跳起來!大家一起跟著音樂的節奏跳舞吧!站起來站起來起來!起來一起唱起這首歌!大家跟著一起唱吧!一起來了!起來一起來起來一起嗨起來吧!一起搖擺!起來起一起起起來了!站起來我們一起跳躍!大家跟我一起跳動起來吧!站起來起我們一起一起來了!起來大家一起歡笑和享受這份美好吧!一起唱歌跳舞開心一下喔!讓我們盡情舞動和享受音樂的樂趣吧!一起來了,一起來了,一起來了!一起來了,一起跳舞吧!一起來了,一起來吧!一起來跳舞吧!一起來了,一起唱起這首歌吧!一起來了,一起享受這份美好時光吧!一起來了,一起來跳舞吧!一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來,一起來。