plucky xiong個人資料介紹_個人檔案(生日/星座/歌曲/專輯/MV作品)

plucky xiong

plucky xiong的個人資料

plucky xiong詳細資訊(以下內容包含:plucky xiong演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 MV列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)
plucky xiong生日:


Plucky Xiong,他是加州的泰裔的苗族RAP歌手(泰國的苗族人),他的全名是Thao Plucky Xiong。從業經歷1980年生於泰國,國小一年級移居美國加州。 年少的時候跟隨父母來到美國! 一個人獨自艱難的成長!他的那首《ang》是為大多數人所熟悉的“憂傷說唱”,這首歌曲的歌名“ang”,意為讀音像天使英文的讀音,因此意為“angel”,這首《ang》是他的成名曲。 他大為人知的歌是“ang”,其實他還有一首歌蠻好聽的叫“i wanna”。


他大為人知的歌是“ang”,其實他還有一首歌蠻好聽的叫“i wanna”。angYo Ang how you doing damn its been a minute/ Hey.我的小天使你怎么樣了?天吶,都有好長時間了Its been years since you left but I still dont get it/ 你離開已經幾年了,但我還是搞不懂發生了什麼sometimes I wonder, how things would like/ 有時候我忍不住猜想,如果當時怎樣怎樣現在該是什麼樣子呢?if you were still in my presence, yo feeling my essence/ 如果你仍然在我的身邊,那么感受真實的我吧Wish I coulda persuade you stay that day you went away/ 你離開丟下我的那天,真的希望我能把你留下and left your kiddo, cause when the dude from the news/ 因為報館的一個朋友brought clues of you, my tears found its way to soak/帶來了你的一點訊息,我的眼淚頓時絕了堤。 and upset my pillow/ 並且整夜輾轉反側shit your boy is grown now, I found out what love is/ 靠。你眼中的小男孩已經成熟,我已經徹底的理解了愛的含義!!met bitches on the way you wouldnt want me to fuck with/當我在路上遇到婊子的時候,我知道你絕不會讓我去的I did graffitti to B-Boys to tip top events/ 我塗鴉,我街舞,不去管人們在流行什麼Open mics to concerts to hip hop events/ 打開我的麥克風,開我的hiphop演唱會anyways how you doing could you shed some light Ang/ 話說回來你到底怎么樣了?能給我透露一點點嗎我的天使,求你了Is heaven lace with gold roads and God a white man/ 天堂周圍是不是金黃色的大道,上帝是白人嗎?Hows your hair girl? How them clothes fit cha?/ 你現在是什麼髮型,丫頭?那邊的衣服合身嗎?and if you got MSN, could you send me a picture/ 如果你用MSN,可以寄我一張照片嗎?Spoke with your sis the other day she probably told you about it/ 那天和你的姐妹說說話,她也可能告訴你了she said yall was close so i wouldnt even doubt it/ 他說我差點就成功了,於是我都沒想過懷疑這點got a few questions but it might not end here/另外還有一些,本不該到現在才結束的疑問do you still have my back like when you was my friend here/你還保留著比如我們成為戀人之前的那些回憶嗎?I heard that where you stay imperfection is perfected/ 我聽說你待的地方現在越來越好了and that he had the power to cure the infected/ 那么這個男人總算有了餘力舔舐他的傷口I heard it through the body but my mind dont respect it/她說的那些我聽了,但是當時心裡已經不覺得那多重要了so when you get a chance could you double check it/ 所以如果有機會,你能向我確認下她說的是事實嗎?and if its true then have him make me taller and / 如果那是真的,那么擁有這種成就我也會活的勇氣一點take the scars off my face, I wouldnt want him to neglect it/並且除去臉上的傷疤,我不再讓自己忽略這個疑問Im asking too much, I should leave it where it ought to be/我問的太多了,我本該把這些疑問壓在它該待的地方but my minds infected, im curse with curiosity/ 只是我的腦袋秀逗了,不停的追問自己,這讓我痛苦不已never studies for life, crammed it at the last minute/ 從沒學著如何去生活,最近才囫圇吞棗的緊張這個問題but i hope to pass the course and leave the past vivid/ 不過我希望能通過現在的課程,並且把過去清清楚楚的一幕幕忘掉but I dont my share of bads I dont know if I can make it/ 不過我不能完全保證我能做到因為我身上的種種缺點Apologies if i dont and I hope that you would take it/如果我沒做到,我向你道歉,希望你能接受我的道歉wannaSpoke with your sis the other day she probably told you about it/ she said ya'll was close so i wouldn't even doubt it/ got a few questions but it might not end here/ do you still have my back like when you was my friend here/ I heard that where you stay imperfection is perfected/ and that he had the power to cure the infected/ I heard it through the body but my mind don't respect it/ so when you get a chance could you double check it/ and if it's true then have him make me taller and / take the scars off my face, I wouldn't want him to neglect it/ I'm asking too much, I should leave it where it ought to be/ but my mind's infected, i'm curse with curiosity/ never studies for life, crammed it at the last minute/ but i hope to pass the course and leave the past vivid/ but I don't my share of bads I don't know if I can make it/ Apologies if i don't and I hope that you would take it/Yo Ang how you doing damn it's been a minute/ It's been years since you left but I still don't get it/ sometimes I wonder, how things would like/ if you were still in my presence, yo feeling my essence/ Wish I coulda persuade you stay that day you went away/ and left your kiddo, cause when the dude from the news/ brought clues of you, my tears found it's way to soak/ and upset my pillow/ shit your boy is grown now, I found out what love is/ met bitches on the way you wouldn't want me to fuck with/ I did graffitti to B-Boys to tip top events/ Open mics to concerts to hip hop events/ anyways how you doing could you shed some light Ang/ Is heaven lace with gold roads and God a white man/ How's your hair girl? How them clothes fit cha?/ and if you got MSN, could you send a picture/

plucky xiong歷年演唱過的歌曲

  • 2009-10-13歌曲:I Wanna
  • 2009-09-05歌曲:I wanna 純純的∧如此動聽
  • 2009-05-28歌曲:Hmong song Remix
  • 2009-04-03歌曲:I Wanna 給親愛的sky.
  • 2008-10-17歌曲:又一首憂傷說唱ang
  • 2008-10-14歌曲:Ang