The Connells,1984年組建於美國北卡來羅納州,一支獨立搖滾樂團,他們很低調,他們不時尚,他們從不懂得如何用商業去炒作自己的音樂,這群相貌平平,衣著樸素,老實巴交的中年男人,彈奏著最簡單樂器,用樸實的guitar旋律,最原始的鼓點節奏~,譜寫、演繹著一首首關於愛情,親情的優美而清新的浪漫搖滾歌謠,儘管他們努力使樂隊保持著獨立,非主流的風格,但事實, 《Ring》成功推出並熱銷,令the connells這群guys在美國成為家喻戶曉的人物,74-75,是該專輯中最著名的傳奇性單曲,其風格清新,郎郎悅耳,甜美異常,很快便登上德國、法國、義大利、奧地利、瑞士、比利時、挪威、丹麥、瑞典、芬蘭和土耳其等地單曲排行榜首,從此the connells的名聲紅遍整個歐洲~網上有關他們的資料真是不多,都出了大名的樂隊了,還能保持這低調,強!!不過,他們的魅力也就在這樸實中不知不覺滲透出來了。
關於74-75這首歌,我想,聽過的朋友都會被那淡淡的浪漫所感染!lyrics:Got no reason for coming to me.And the rain running down.Theres no reason.And the same voice coming to me like its all slowin down.And believe me.(chorus)I was the one who let you know.I was your sorry-ever-after 74, 75.Its not easy,Nothin to say cause its already said.Its never easy.When I look on in your eyes then I find that Ill do fine.When I look on in your eyes then Ill do better.(chorus)I was the one who let you know.I was your sorry-ever-after 74, 75.Giving me more and Ill define.Cause youre really only after 74, 75.Got no reason for coming to me.And the rain running down.Theres no reason.When I look on in your eyes then I find that Ill do fine.When I look on in your eyes then Ill do better.(Chorus)I was the one who let you know.I was sorry-ever-after 74, 75.Giving me more and Ill define.Cause youre really only after 74, 75.