Kreuzweg Ost個人資料介紹_個人檔案(生日/星座/歌曲/專輯/MV作品)

Kreuzweg Ost

Kreuzweg Ost的個人資料

Kreuzweg Ost詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Kreuzweg Ost演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 MV列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)
Kreuzweg Ost生日:


Kreuzweg Ost 國家/地區: 德國
  廠牌: Napalm Records/Cold Spring Records/Cold Spring Records
  樂隊成員: Martin Schirenc. /Michael Gregor /Ronald Albrecht
  流派: 搖滾
  風格: darkwave/martial industrial


  Kreuzweg Ost is a darkwave/martial industrial project founded by Michael Gregor and Martin Schirenc. The music is a blend of world war-related samples and loops with booming sounds and instrumental pieces. There are no vocals; instead, the predominant samples are arranged so that they take the role of vocals, sometimes telling short stories similar to radio play snippets. Martin Schirenc, of Austrian death metal band Pungent Stench, left the group shortly after the release of the Iron Avantgarde album and was replaced by programmer Ronald Albrecht and producer/sound engineer Oliver Stummer. Michael Gregor is a member of the Austrian black metal band Summoning and is also known as Silenius. Oliver Stummer has also released as Tomoroh Hidari and his Namelessness Is Legion.

Kreuzweg Ost歷年演唱過的歌曲

  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Ein Bild freudiger Lebensbejahung
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Eduard R黷telmeier
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Oh no los so, Magnifico
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:St鋒lerne Schwingen
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Cako Voli
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Kohlenklau
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Der Feuersturm von Dresden
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Du, Gefangene!
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Donautaufe
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Na Wostoke Nechewo Nowogo