


Trivium詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Trivium演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)


歌手: Trivium音樂流派: 搖滾風格:Hardcore(硬核)、Metalcore(金屬核)、Nu Thrash(新激流金屬)成立時間:1999地區:美國語言: 英語簡介:當今最為傑出的金屬核殿堂級樂隊


首張專輯樂隊早在1999年成立於奧蘭多,當時讀高中的Matt在一次學校演出中翻唱了美國朋克樂隊Offspring的Self Esteem 給樂隊最初的主唱Brad Lewter留下了深刻印象.他邀請Matt來進行演奏.倆個人於是到鼓手Travis Smith那裡,一起演奏了Metallica的For Whom the Bell Tolls.對Matt的表現大為驚訝,於是正式邀請Matt加入了這支名為Trivium的樂隊擔任吉他手,trivium正式成立.不久原主唱離開樂隊,年僅15歲的Matt開始身兼主唱和吉他手,並且包攬了樂隊的創作,在Matt的帶頂下樂隊頻繁參加各種小型演出,在當地逐漸小有名氣.在METALLICA,PANTERA這些THRASHMETAL的音樂薰陶里長大,同時身在當時NUMETAL如火如荼的浪潮中,年輕的trivium並沒有跟風成為STEPA那樣曇花一現的SCHOOLNU-METALBAND,他們迅速而且堅定的確定了自己的風格,將很多新老樂隊的成功元素融合在一起,繼承了新金屬里可用的節奏,拋掉過於簡單直白的RIFF,同時擁有歐洲的重型音樂同行細膩的技術.2002年奧蘭多當地的金屬獎項中Matt獲得最佳金屬吉他手後trivium開始受到更為廣泛的關注和讚譽.2003年初樂隊酬款錄製發行了同名DEMOtrivium.憑藉這張demo樂隊於2003年被德國著名金屬廠牌LifeForceRecords發掘,成為如今NU-TRASH陣營中如日中天的SHADOWSFALL當時的同門樂隊.同年發行樂隊第1張專集Ember to Inferno.唱片裡面的歌有幾首選自之前的Demo.已經成型的NU-THRASH風格具有非凡張力,MATT攻擊性的Riff,簡潔、流暢,音樂中充滿了年輕人的活力和自信。唯一的遺憾是樂隊當時還缺少一名技術精湛的吉他和固定的貝司手,儘管MATT的技術已經非常了得,可是在連續的巡演中肩負吉他和主唱重擔仍然會力不從心,在經歷了無數次的樂手更換後,吉他手CoreyBeaulieu和當時和IronMaiden鼓手NickoMcBrain玩票的年輕貝斯手PaoloGregoletto最終成為樂隊正式成員.由於各方面原因,包括LifeForceRecords宣傳不力,第一張專集並沒有使樂隊一炮走紅。加入新血液後的trivium開始了近乎瘋狂的排練磨合,吉他手Corey對歐洲金屬的狂熱給樂隊帶來了更多的新古典主義色彩和更加旋律化的吉他SOLO,trivium的音樂日漸成熟,並且開始受邀為MachineHead,IcedEarth,KillswitchEngage,FearFactory等樂隊巡演開場,“和這些偉大的樂隊巡演是相當酷的經歷”Matt說道,“而且每次的演出我們都能贏得在場所有的樂迷,來自觀眾的能量是總是讓我們亢奮”。憑藉他們的首張專輯Ember to Inferno以及出色的才華,樂隊很快就被RoadrunnerRecords相中,隨後成為RoadrunnerRecords歷史上籤下的最年輕的樂隊。第二專輯2004年Trivium開始錄製了他們的第二張專輯Ascendancy,並於2005年3月正式發行.這張專輯首次進入Billboard 200,排在第151位.,並在Top Heatseekers chart里越到第四位.Allmusic 的樂評人Johnny Loftus 評價這張專輯以及Trivium 是ridiculously tight quartet,unleashing thrilling dual guitar passages and pummeling kick drum gallops as surely as they do melodic breaks and vicious throat screeds,Decibel 雜誌的Rod Smith 稱讚說 Smith’s impeccably articulated beats,bassist Paolo Gregoletto’s contained thunder,and,especially,Heafy and guitarist Corey Beaulieu’s liquid twin leads.這張專輯被Kerrang! 雜誌評為年度最佳專輯.RoadrunnerRecords一向以其與時俱進,商業和音樂並重的作風和OZZFEST一道走在開發新型重型音樂的最前沿。當時36crazyfists,illnino之類的NU-METAL樂隊大勢已去,chimaira,KillswitchEngage,devildriver這樣純種的NU-THRASH風格過於泛濫而難有新的突破,音樂更具多元化與包容性,技術出類拔萃的trivium順理成章成為RoadrunnerRecords新的頂樑柱,在RoadrunnerRecords的力捧之下,trivium不負眾望的加入到OZZFEST2005整容中,並且成為第2舞台壓軸樂隊。在2005年,Trivium在英國Castle Donington舉行的Download Festival上演出,作為他們踏上世界舞台的一步.幾支單曲以及MV發行,包括 Like Light to the Flies,Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr,A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation,和 Dying in Your Arms. 這些MV在 MTV2的電視節目裡循環播放,Pull Harder on The Strings of Your Martyr 成為他們最廣為熟知的一首歌曲,也成為此後他們的謝場曲目. 為了配和專輯的發行,樂隊與其它一些相當有名的藝人或樂隊一起舉行了許多場演出. 他們與 Killswitch Engage,Iced Earth,Fear Factory,以及對Trivium影響頗大的 Machine Head均合作過. Ascendancy在2006年重新發行,加入了4支附贈曲目和一張刻錄了樂隊所有MV和現場表演片段的DVD.7月舉行的英國最具規模的金屬音樂節METALHAMMERAWARDS也對trivium拋出繡球,邀請其為這個世界頂級的金屬盛會開場。這隻年輕的樂隊用超凡實力和天才的音樂領悟能力為金屬界注入了寧人振奮的血液,同時他們的冷靜和激情為“80年代後”畫上了濃重的一筆。正如主唱Matt所說,“天才和非凡的領導能力是每一個真正的音樂家必備的素質,但是沒有勤奮和毅力,很多樂隊不知不覺就被人遺忘。我們堅定的認為,現在的trivium僅僅是1個開始。”第三專輯2006年4月,在於Mendeed 和 God Forbid一起的一場爆炸性的巡演後,Trivium 開始進入錄製準備.也再次在Download Festival上演出,這次是與Korn和Metallica同場.Trivium 在同年10月發行了第三張專輯The Crusade,躍入了Billboard 200第25位.在發行第一周內就賣出了超過32,000 張.這張專輯極其成功,滾石的Andy Greene of Rolling Stone 稱其 Nothing mars a good metal record like so-called harsh vocals .Don Kaye 評價The Crusade is one of the best metal releases of 2006 and quite possibly the heavy music album of the year.在The Crusade這張專輯裡,主唱Matt Heafy的聲音從上一張專輯裡金屬核式的嘶吼變得更傾向於演唱. 這種新的演唱風格,以及樂隊的thrash金屬音樂使得他們被指責說在模仿Metallica.而Metallica本身對樂隊的影響很大.對此Matt Heafy 回應說,If anyone is wondering why the screaming is gone its because the four of us were never into bands that scream and we dont like any of the current bands that scream,so we asked ourselves why were doing it. This time around I wanted to be a better singer because thats what we wanted to hear,so we dropped the screaming and did a lot of vocal training and vocal work.(如果你們要問為什麼嘶吼沒有了,那是因為我們四個人從來就沒有對招牌式嘶叫的樂隊著迷,我們對現在所有的嘶吼的樂隊也沒有一個喜歡的,所以我們就自問既然如此為什麼我們還要這樣做呢.這次我想做一個好的歌手,因為這是我們想要聽到的,於是我們停止了嘶吼,做了很多的演唱訓練.)配合專輯的發行樂隊與Iron Maiden 和 Metallica一起舉行了巡演,並且與 Machine Head,Arch Enemy,DragonForce 和Shadows Fall一起在專輯巡演中演出.還參與了一些歐洲的演出.Trivium 獲得 Metal Hammer Golden God Awards 的2006年最佳現場樂隊這個獎項.第四專輯2007年10月Trivium 開始與Nick Raskulinecz 合作他們的新專輯. Heafy 說他又想回歸如專輯Ascendancy里的那種嘶吼,樂隊也沒有再與Suec合作,因為他們已經合作了三張專輯,他們想要實現一些新的探索.錄製工作於2008年6月結束.在英國Metal Hammer雜誌的一次採訪中,Matt Heafy 說他們的新專輯 將會有 more thrash influences,more screaming and more raptors. Possibly more screaming because of the raptors. 他對 Revolver雜誌說 For the first time,we cant look at our songs and say who the riffs sound like. Were really making our own stuff and our own kind of music and art form,and thats exciting. 2008年9月,第七章全新專輯 Shogun發行.在發行的當周在美國賣出24,000張,登上Billboard 200 chart第23位.在英國搖滾專輯榜上居第一位.8月14日Metal Hammer在其部落格里公布了Matt Heafy的如下發言:“We have some stuff not as a whole band but each individual guy has maybe ten to twenty songs. I have done about fifteen,but I have gotten rid of all but six because I kept the good ones as I kept going on,the newer songs I was writing were stronger and better so I got rid of the ones that weren’t as good. Paolo (Gregoletto,bass) has a bunch of songs,like twenty or so,but he keeps cutting back as well. Everyone keeps writing as many as they can,but then cutting back the weak ones and not worrying about trying to make them better songs.”Trivium 2009年整年幾乎都在為專輯shotgun在美國,澳大利亞,日本,英國等地巡演.期間許多樂隊如Chimaira,Darkest Hour,Dirge Within,Whitechapel,Rise to Remain 和 Black Tide紛紛助陣.Travis Smith 在名為Into the Mouth of Hell We Tour的系列巡演的第二章場中非正式離隊.2010年2月4日,樂隊真是宣布Travis確實已正式離隊但沒有說明離隊原因,由 Nick Augusto接替. Augusto 是Maruta and Metal Militia的前成員,Simith的離隊在Trivium發行了第一支缺席了前樂隊鼓手Travis Smith的曲目 Shattering the Skies Above不久後,Matt Heafy 終於開口談到Trivium失去Smith,以及Nick Augusto頂替了他的原因.We were coming to the point where the band was -- not necessarily dissolving -- but dissolving in creativity and maybe in live fire and energy,so we had to make a change for the positive, Heafy 對Noisecreep這樣說. Thankfully,we were able to find Nick,who was able to step it up and really be that guy to take us to the next level.這些年來樂隊與Smith的關係逐漸變得糟糕.但即使在2009年十月他宣布將會因為要料理一些私人事情而缺席Into the Mouth of Hell I tried to tour巡演,樂隊也沒有立即替換他的計畫. 直到樂隊與Augusto 在一次巡演中合作時才意識到Trivium完全能夠接受新的血液.I was familiar with Nicks stuff with Maruta,and I knew he could play really fast,but I was really curious on how hed do with our band, Matt Heafy 說. I remember stepping out of the car and hearing him practicing Into the Mouth of Hell We March, and Id never heard the song played with that ferocity. It sounded like the album,but it was a little faster,harder and angrier. The first song we played was Rain and I remember him playing the end section and it was so effortless it almost looked fake. I looked at Corey and we both started laughing at the same time. I could tell we were both just thinking,Who the fuck is this guy? So its very cool he was able to bring that intensity to stuff that already existed and bring his own flair as well.直到現在,Matt Heafy依然堅持說他對究竟是什麼私人事情使得Smith不能參加巡演一無所知. 但是他很慶幸有機會與Augusto合作,並祝福Smith未來一切順利.We told him over the phone and it was hard for everyone involved, Heafy said. But I hope its going to be something Travis recognizes was for the better for him in years to come. For his own health and well-being as well and for our own. I heard that hes doing very well now and thats the best you can wish for. And we hope he does amazingly,no matter what he picks in life to do next.在OneMetal的一次採訪中,吉他手Corey Beaulieu說 ...over time,things just kinda weren’t working out,and we did a headline tour of the US and about halfway through Travis just said he wasn’t going to do the next tour,so regardless we had to think about getting someone to fill in,then once we started playing with Nick we just knew it was the right thing. 談及Smith的離隊的原因及想法,他說...things were falling apart,and we just kind of pulled the trigger first,just to get it done,move forward and get the new guy settled in and comfortable. It’s been working really great with Nick and when people see the show they will see why.Trivium 為動作探險遊戲 God of War Ⅲ 的原聲音樂錄製了歌曲 Shattering the Skies Above. 這首歌曲被獨家收錄在遊戲的終極版的電子EP God of War: Blood Metal里 . 樂隊也錄製了一首翻唱歌曲 Slave New World,原唱為 Sepultura. Shattering the Skies Above 在2010年2月12日在他們的歌迷俱樂部 (TriviumWorld) 獨家發行,隨後在15日公開發行.第二天翻唱歌曲Slave New World通過Metal Hammer UK發行,並在英國提供免費下載.在STV的採訪中,Heafy 說: “Things are great and its definitely preparing us for our next record which is what we have been prepping for and we have been writing for it.“It’s going to be and has to be the best record we have ever done. Every record we say that but this is going to be definitive,this is going to be the one.” 貝斯手Paolo Gregoletto 說: “We have been rehearsing full new songs at soundchecks and stuff. We have a lot of new ideas and every year we talk about what we want the album to be and we are still in the stages of finding where I think it’s going to be and it’s starting to shape up right now. We just have tons of material written already and after this tour, take a small break and then we’re hitting the warehouse where we rehearse and write the music and we’re going to start demoing and hopefully we’ll get it started by the summer and finished by the fall.”在 Guitar World的採訪中,據說在他們即將發行的第五章專輯裡,Trivium 會以退為進,回歸到之前的一些風格,但向前邁進. 樂隊會重現如之前的倆張專輯裡的特點,如複雜宏大的編曲,tricked-out,leads 以及七弦吉他. Trivium 會採取他們第二張專輯Ascendancy (2005) 的一些路數. When we did Ascendancy,we were writing specifically for the songs,not to show how well we could play, Matt Heafy說. That wasn’t exactly the case with our next two records. 另外一位吉他手Corey Beaulieu說,Were making sure every part in every song needs to be there and is super-catchy and doesnt go over people’s heads.Heafy 在 Twitter上稱他們會在1月2日進錄音室. 新專輯裡將會有 10 - 13 首歌.2011年1月31日,Trivium 宣布將會第二次參加wMayhem Festival 的演出,同Machine Head,In Flames,Megadeth,Godsmack,和Disturbed.一起.2月18日宣布Trivium 將作為特別演出嘉賓出現在Iron Maiden的8月6日的倫敦巡演現場. 在他們的官方網站上,Matt Heafy說 “We couldn’t be more honoured and excited to share a stage with the legendary Iron Maiden. This will be Trivium’s first UK show in a long time we’ll have a new record under our belts to debut. Lights Out London for an immense night of metal. Up The Irons.”新專輯已經錄製完成.Paolo在facebook上透漏專輯名字已定,但暫時不公開.目前樂隊已經播出了3張短片,記錄了新專輯的錄製過程,包括Matt一段solo的錄製,Corey的吉他旋律的一部分以及Matt錄製的他自己的錄音片段.樂隊還播出了一支新專輯的戲玩短片,裡面是樂隊錄製專輯的黑白片段,伴著一支原聲歌曲.但還不確定這首歌曲時都來源於新專輯,還是僅僅為這張短片而製作的.Matt Heafy 通過facebook宣布新專輯預計於8月左右發行.


Matt Heafy:主唱兼吉他手Corey Beaulieu:主唱兼吉他手Paolo Gregoletto:貝司手Nick Augusto:鼓手


【1】Ember To Inferno (2003)【2】Ascendancy (2005)【3】The Crusade (2006)【4】Shogun (2008)【5】In Waves (2011)【6】Vengeance Falls (2013)