Ana Torroja個人資料介紹_個人檔案(生日/星座/歌曲/專輯/MV作品)

Ana Torroja

Ana Torroja的個人資料

Ana Torroja詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Ana Torroja演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 MV列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)
Ana Torroja生日:1959-11-28


西班牙最受歡迎的合唱團蜜卡諾(Mecano)。主唱:Ana Torroja安娜朵蘿哈。 曾在八、九十年代擔任西班牙Ana Torroji樂團Mecano的主唱的Ana Torroja安娜朵蘿哈,創下全球一千三百萬張的佳績,Ana在1997年單飛了。首張專輯《基本要素》光在西班牙一地就拿下雙白金,而Ana也開心的說:「以前是表演,現在則是展現自我。」因為在祖國壓力太大而避居紐約的她,受古巴、非洲等音樂影響,新專輯並不避諱電子元素,卻也有更多貼近大地的原音重現。2000年於畢卡索的乾兒子,拉丁優雅情歌王子Miguel-Bose米蓋爾合作的LIVE專輯《抽屜》,也入圍2001年拉丁葛萊美獎。2003年出品同名專輯《Ana Torroja:安娜朵蘿哈》。墨西哥歌星Aleks Syntek非常喜歡ANA TORROJA的演唱風格,一直想與她合作, 這首2004年發行流行歌曲及其MTV愛之痛曾風靡全國,創金榜之冠.Aleks Syntek1969年出生,影視歌多線發展,在墨西哥及整個拉丁美洲非常有名氣.上世紀80年代末正式步入歌壇,與兩個朋Aleks Syntek友組建了一隻樂隊,百代唱片公司分別在1990年和1993年為他們製作了兩張專輯.Aleks Syntek曾在隨後的幾年內在拉美各國巡迴演出,他的多首著名歌曲也在拉美各國創下極好的成績.1995年和1997年又發行兩張專輯.他曾與英國的皇後樂隊同台演唱.


Ana TorrojaAna Torroja met José María Cano while studying economics at university. The two became good friends, and José María soon introduced her to his younger brother, Nacho. After hearing Ana sing José Marías guitar compositions, Nacho suggested that the three form a band. In 1981, Mecano was formed.After seven Mecano albums and much success in Europe and Latin America, the long months of continuous touring began taking its toll on the band. Ana was especially affected and started developing vocal problems. In 1993, the band announced a temporary split. While José and Nacho composed solo albums, Ana chose to travel around the world and visited Hawaii, Bombay, and New York—places she had sung about while with Mecano. She eventually settled in New York and took dance classes.By 1997, Ana felt confident enough to sing again and moved to London to record her first solo album, Puntos Cardinales. The album marked a curious change for Ana. Because her new songs were not written from a male point of view—unlike the Mecano hits written by the Cano brothers—she felt that she could express herself as a woman for the first time. The first single from the album, A Contratiempo, was a Spanish-language cover of an old Bette Midler song, Bottomless.In 1998, partially due to the expense and commercial failure of José Marías opera project, Mecano reunited for the double-disc greatest hits compilation Ana, José, Nacho, which also featured seven new songs.Anas biggest solo success came in 1999 with her album, Pasajes de un Sueno. This album was hailed by critics and the first single, Ya No Te Quiero, became one of the best-selling songs in Spain that year.In 2006, Ana edited a new studio album called Me Cuesta Tanto Olvidarte. The album contained new versions of old Mecano hits. The first single was Los Amantes, which reached #10 on the Spanish charts. Her second single with Psy 4 de la Rime is Hijo De La Luna was released in Spain January 2007Aleks SyntekMexican Aleks Syntek was born in ida in September 29 of 1969. This talented musician has been involved in many different projects such as advertisement, TV shows, and movies. By the late 80s, Syntek, along with two friends, decided to form an alternative band. Their first record, called Hey T? was released by in 1990, followed by Fuerte De Lo Que Pensaba in 1993. That record included a contribution from former the Doors Ray Manzarek who played in a song called Nuestras Costumbres. Later, Aleks Syntek y la Gente Normal started touring Latin America while their songs Mis Impulsos Sobre T? El Camino, and Fuerte De Lo Que Pensaba were climbing on the most important charts in Chile, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and Argentina. In 1995, Bienvenido a la Vida was released, followed by 1997s Lugar Secreto, produced by Rodolfo Cruz and Michael Rojkind. In addition, Aleks Syntek y la Gente Normal participated in the Latin tribute to the British band Queen.

Ana Torroja歷年演唱過的歌曲

  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Veinte Mariposas
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Ya No Te Quiero
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Duele El Amor(Con Aleks Syntek)
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Como Sue?an Las Sirenas
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Quien Dice
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Corazones (Con Miguel Bose)
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Partir
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Mes Prieres
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Libelula
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Nada Personal (Con Armando Manzanero)
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Te He Querido Tanto
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Qui AQ Le Droit (Con Patrick Bruel)
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Solo Por Eso
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Hoy Igual Que Ayer (Con Saul De Jaguares)
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Cada Historia (Con Presuntos Implicados)
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Como Sue?an Las Sirenas (Remix)
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:No Me Canso
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Con Solo Un Beso
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Viente Mariposas
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Me Basta Con Creer
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Fragil
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:El Arte De Llorar
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Hoy Igual Que Ayer
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Cuatro Dias
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Menos Mas
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Letras De Sal
  • 2008-05-24歌曲:Con Solo Un Beso(Acustico)

Ana Torroja歷年專輯

  • 2003年推出專輯:《Fragil》