


Metric詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Metric演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)


流派:另類搖滾/Alternative Rock 獨立搖滾/Indie Rock在SLSK里意外發現的真實存在的那支地下樂隊Metric2005最新的專輯《Live it out》。據說樂隊是由多倫多藝術大學學生Emily Haines(女主唱)與擁有茱莉亞音樂學院古典音樂背景的James Shaw所領軍的搖滾組合,歸類為朋克搖滾。我自然不清楚音樂的具體流派,只覺得非常喜歡。有股年輕女子才有的暴發力,卻帶著一股執著的天真勁。而聲音也出奇的甜美。在清潔里她在舞台上的髮型和自在表演更是讓我倍增好感。


專輯一專輯名:《Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?》歌手:metric歌曲:10首語言:英語流派:另類搖滾/Alternative Rock 獨立搖滾/Indie Rock發行時間:2003專輯曲目:1.IOU2.Hustle Rose3.Succexy4.Combat5.Calculation (Theme)6.Wet Blanket7.On a Slow Night8.The List9.Dead Disco10.Love Is a Place專集二專輯名:《Live It Out》 歌手:Metric歌曲:10 首語種:英語流派:另類搖滾/Alternative Rock 獨立搖滾/Indie Rock發行時間:2005年10月4日發行公司:Last Gang Records收錄時間:2005-10-14專輯曲目:1.Empty2.Glass Ceiling3.Handshakes4.Too Little Too Late5.Poster Of A Girl6.Monster Hospital7.Patriarch On A Vespa8.The Police and The Private9.Ending Start10.Live It Out11.Poster Of A Girl〔girl on girl revision)12.Poster Of A Girl(radio edit)專輯三專輯名:《Grow Up And Blow Away 》歌手:Metric語言:英文風格:另類搖滾/Alternative Rock 獨立搖滾/Indie Rock唱片公司:Last Gang發行日期:2007-06-26專輯曲目:01. Grow Up And Blow Away02. On The Sly03. Torture Me04. Fanfare05. Parkdale06. Raw Sugar07. The Twist08. Rock Me Now09. Soft Rock Star10. White Gold11. Hardwire專輯四專輯名:《 Fantasies》歌手:Metric語言:英文風格:另類搖滾/Alternative Rock 獨立搖滾/Indie Rock唱片公司:Last Gang發行日期:2009-04-14專輯曲目:01. Help Im Alive02. Sick Muse03. Satellite Mind04. Twilight Galaxy05. Gold Guns Girls06. Gimme Sympathy07. Collect Call08. Front Row09. Blindness10. Stadium Love11. Waves(B-side)12. Help Im Alive(Acoustic)13. Gimme Sympathy(Acoustic)專輯四專輯名:《Synthetica》歌手:Metric語言:英文風格:另類搖滾/Alternative Rock 獨立搖滾/Indie Rock唱片公司:Mom Pop Music發行日期:2012-06-12專輯曲目:01.Artificial Nocturne02.Youth Without Youth03.Speed the Collapse04.Breathing Underwater05.Dreams So Real06.Lost Kitten07.The Void08.Synthetica09.Clone10.The Wanderlust11.Nothing But Time


公制樂隊是一支加拿大新潮流/獨立搖滾樂隊。1998年,這支樂隊在紐約城誕生,他們現在立基於多倫多,安大略湖。這支樂隊由歌手愛米莉.漢納斯(Emily Haines)(她同時也擔任混音師)吉他手詹姆斯.肖(James Shaw),貝斯手喬希.溫斯坦德(Josh Winstead)和鼓手傑勞斯.斯科特(Joules Scott-Key)組成。他們的第一張完整的專輯舊世界的捷運(Old World Underground)你在哪裡(Where Are You Now?)在2003年發布。他們最新的專輯 live it out於2005年10月4日發布,並且作為年度來自加拿大樂隊的專輯獲得2006年Polaris音樂獎項的提名,同時也贏得了朱諾獎(Juno Award)最佳另類搖滾專輯的提名。漢納斯和肖也和Broken Social Scene同台演出過。漢納斯曾經在stars,KC Accidental, Delerium, The Stills和Jason Collett.的專輯中作過嘉賓。斯科特和溫斯坦德曾有過他們自己的第二方案,Bang Lime和漢納斯曾經發布了一首以愛米莉.漢納斯和Soft Skeleton命名的單曲。他們的歌曲怪物醫院(monster hospital)和警察和士兵(Police and the Private)曾被電視劇實習醫生格雷(Greys Anatomy)作為插曲。怪物醫院同時也被CSI: Miami所使用。Metric is a Canadian New Wave/indie rock band. Originally formed in 1998 in New York City, they are currently based in Toronto, Ontario.The band consists of vocalist Emily Haines (who also plays the Synthesizer), guitarist James Shaw, bassist Josh Winstead and drummer Joules Scott-Key. Their first full-length album, Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?, was released in 2003. Their newest album, Live It Out, was released on October 4, 2005 and was nominated for the 2006 Polaris Music Prize for the Canadian Album of The Year as well as earning the Juno Award nomination for Best Alternative Album.Haines and Shaw also perform with Broken Social Scene, and Haines has been a guest on albums by Stars, KC Accidental, Delerium, The Stills, and Jason Collett. Scott-Key and Winstead have their own side project, Bang Lime, and Haines has released a solo album under the name Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton.Their songs Monster Hospital and Police and the Private have been used on the television show Greys Anatomy. Monster Hospital has also been used in CSI: Miami.Metric’s latest album is actually their oldest, though you wouldn’t know it. Grow Up and Blow Away was previously unreleased until now, but this album is just as strong, if a little overly ambitious, than what would follow. Metric couldn’t find a label to release Grow Up and Blow Away, but they soldiered on and hit the radios (in Canada anyway) almost four years later with “Combat Baby”, which sparked so much attention that their album, Old World Underground, Where Are You Now? landed on many critics’ lists as the best of 2003. They seemed so great, where did these quirky Canadians come from anyway? Just like many so-called overnight successes, Metric had been building up to their breakthrough album for years. Focusing now on their newest release, by focusing on the past, Grow Up and Blow Away reveals that even at its inception, Metric was still a great band. This is a great album for the fans, full of interesting experiments and diverse sounds that are both very close to the Metric heard later, and also wildly different. In fact, wild enough that they reminded me at times of another deceptively soft Canadian group from the 90s, the Wild參考資料:《國外音樂勢力》




  • 2009年推出專輯:《Plug In Plug Out》
  • 2009年推出專輯:《Fantasies》
  • 2007年推出專輯:《Grow Up And Blow Awa》
  • 2005年推出專輯:《Live It Out》