陽光(8張)樂隊最初由7人成立於2001年3月份,於2001年在豪運酒吧初次登場反響強烈,當時樂隊主要風格為金屬,融合了大量的東方民族旋律色彩和Funk、Hip-hop、工業等多種音樂元素,融入了中國特色的大鼓和打擊樂,頗具特色,在國內首開先河。一舉成為第二屆米迪音樂節重型樂隊中的閃亮新星,其中不乏熱血青年,民樂愛好者以及國外的搖滾樂愛好者。樂隊不僅追求音樂上的完美,歌詞同樣也吐露出了年輕人的心聲。在幾年不斷的演出中液氧罐頭的音樂打動了越來越多的聽眾,與此同時自身也在不斷的完善、完整。發展此後先後於2001年參加法國大使館音樂文化周。2003年樂隊經過人員變動基本形成,經過2年在京各演出場所的演出,於2003年下半年在成都音樂學院等地成功完成了西南巡演。2004年參加錄製《搖滾北京4》,5月在北京朝陽音樂周獲最佳樂隊。2005年再次更換樂手,並簽約“魔迪文化”,錄製首張專輯《這一切變化無常》。2008年錄製樂隊首張EP《誓言》,同時成功完成全國35個城市巡演,也成為中國場次最多,時間最短的樂隊。2011年則攜國內首張重型不插電專輯與大家見面。熱愛生命、自由的權利,對音樂的信念與獨有的特色,這就是中國最具東方色彩的新金屬樂隊--液氧罐頭 !Liq-Ox CAN Band:Band members:Vocal: Zhang YuGuitar: Chuan Xin \ Chang YuanBase: Wang YupengDrum: Li BaoPercussion : Da WeiAs a heavy music band, Liq-Ox CAN Band is famous for its various percussion instruments and strong energy, and it is an indispensable flag in China heavy music area. The band offers an unique mix of music elements: 25% metal, 25% new metal, 25% percussion, 10% Hip-Hop, 10% folk and 5% others.Percussion music is the most prominent characteristic of Liq-Ox CAN. Every instrument can impress our ears: massive Chinese drums, loud gasoline barrels, crisp draft beer barrels. Deep stokes and strong music combining together, besides instruments, Liq-Ox CAN is a super live music band. The vocal, Zhang Yu ‘s rave and agitation, and other member’s devotion and expression, all give you not only the convulsion, but much more that..After the great opening show in Beijing 2001, Liq-Ox CAN won lots of brilliant compliments and interviews from medias. In 2003, Liq-Ox CAN launched a road show in Southwest China. The current lineup was grouped at 2005. With new faces and eruption in live show, the band won more and more reputations and fans. At the same year, Liq-Ox CAN published their first disc Anything in change . The disc is the log and memorial album of the band. It collects many classic songs in every period of the band from the beginning. Liq-Ox CAN, as a music beast, most songs in the album represent helpless fury and emotion of their past music life. Especially the song Grey Blue made fans cry...Five years passed, anything has been changed already, but unchanged is the spirit of Rock Roll. They keep working hard for their dram!The enthusiasm of Liq-Ox CAN can be felt in the Stages of Music Festivals in China !作品首張專輯《這一切變化無常》(2005) :1、開場2、夢魔液氧罐頭樂隊首張專輯(1張)3、那是誰4、觀念5、夢已成血6、痛苦殺死我吧7、這一切變化無常8、解脫9、灰藍色10、砸碎首張EP《誓言》(2008):1、誓言2、無可救藥3、為什麼這樣4、痛苦殺死我吧(不插電)5、把思念寄到天空去(不插電)2011年國內首張重型樂隊不插電專輯面試。演出照(24張)液氧罐頭EP專輯(1張)