Aldious is an all-female heavy metal band formed in 2008 by guitarist Yoshi and vocalist Rami in Osaka, Japan. After a few member changes, they released their debut EP Dear Slave the following year and soon after formed their own record label, Bright Star Records. Their first album Deep Exceed (2010) reached the top 15 on the Oricon chart, as did their second Determination (2011). However, founding member Rami announced she was leaving the group in June 2012 for health reasons and new vocalist Re:NO joined Aldious just one month later. They produced their third album District Zero in 2013 and it became their highest-charting release to date, reaching number 7.Guitarist Yoshi and vocalist Rami formed Aldious in Osaka in June 2008. In November they took part in the compilation album Red Hot Burning Hell Vol.16, soon after which guitarist Ruki and bassist Sawa left. In January 2009, Toki and Kaze joined as guitarist and bassist respectively, later the band released their debut four-track EP Dear Slave on November 7. Kaze left in December, and drummer Aruto joined in January 2010. March saw the return of Sawa on bass and around this time Aldious formed their own record label, Bright Star Records. Their first single Defended Desire, released July 7, reached the number 4 position on Oricons Indies chart and number 49 on its regular chart. In April, Bright Star became a sub-label of Spinning and the band released their debut album Deep Exceed on October 13, 2010. It reached number 15 on the charts.Determination, the bands second album, was released on October 12, 2011 and reached number 13. The song Spirit Black was used as the ending theme song of the Fuji TV show Shimura Ken (志村軒). The albums single, Mermaid, was previously released on April 6 and earned the number 20 position. On June 29, 2012, it was announced that vocalist and co-founder Rami would withdraw from the group due to health concerns. Only a month later, on August 3, Re:NO was announced as Aldious new singer. This line-ups first release was the single White Crow on November 14, which reached number 19 and was co-produced by Akihito Kinoshita, guitarist and leader of the veteran heavy metal band Saber Tiger. On May 15, 2013, Aldious released their third album District Zero, which became their first release to break the top-ten. Its song Scrash became the ending theme song for the TBS TV show Ranking Kingdom (ランク王國) from June to July. It was reported that for the album the band intentionally toned down their appearance and aimed for a pure metal sound, so as to be recognized for their musicianship rather than being an all-female band.Their fourth single and first double A-side, Dominator / I Dont Like Me, was released on October 9 and is the groups highest charting, having reached number 12.
Re:NO(Rino、二階堂梨乃、1987年4月9日) -東京都出身擔當:Vocal(現任Vocal)(2006年7月12日、藝能活動中止。2007年1月、以Re:NO名義繼續藝能活動。2012年加入Aldious作為主音,代替因身體原因退出的前主音Rami。)*推定少女是由兩位女成員Rino與Lissa所組成的偶像組合。*2001年8月、為電視動畫‘海賊王’(原名One Piece)獻唱片尾曲‘しょうちのすけ’成為出道的機會。於出道當時,以“雖然是國中生,但暴光率卻奇高”成為獨特流行的話題。最為港人熟悉的應是在港播放的電影‘咒怨’片尾曲‘鍵が開かない’(開不了的門匙)以及電影‘咒怨 2’片尾曲‘間違い’。2006年3月31日解散。活動當時所屬的事務所是Sony Music Entertainment(Japan)Inc.。解散後的Rino以Re:NO的名義開展其路上演唱的SOLO活動。2012年加入Aldious作為主音,代替因身體原因退出的前主音Rami。Yoshi生日:11/27居住地:大阪府出生地:神戶市擔當:Guitar作曲隊長(2008年-現在)血液型:0型身高:161cm興趣:在咖啡店喝茶喜歡:布丁・生肝討厭:蔥・生薑喜歡的藝人:Helloween 、Arch Enemy 、Sonata Arctica、 Earthshaker etcMessage:通稱よっしー☆紅色突擊兵。在Live上大家一起快樂吧♪Formerly in the band RazFarby. Uses a red PRS Modern Eagle guitar, Seymour Duncan SH-1 and SH-4 pickups, and Marshall amplifiers. Formerly used Schecter C-1 Classic and She-Devil, and her own signature models by Combat Guitars (ALY 450 Deco Custom and ALY 700).Toki(トキ)生日:3/20居住地:大阪府擔當:Guitar (2009年-現在)身高:160左右興趣:做點心、野鳥観察、美甲、摺紙喜歡:鳥類。夏威夷。熬夜討厭:蛋黃醬。早起。臉上的肉喜歡的吉他演奏家:Eric ClaptonMessage:為24小時常常有笑容而努力♪今年的目標是無事故無違反!!請多關照\(☆o☆)/Formerly in the all-female bands Layla and Chemicaloid No.000. Uses her custom pink ESP Arrow guitar, Seymour Duncan Blackouts, and Hughes Kettners Coreblade amp line. Formerly used a Jackson King V and her own signature models by Combat Guitars; Alt 450 Deco Custom, Alt 550 and ALD-II.SAWA(サワ)生日:9/25出生地:大阪府擔當:5弦Bass金屬創作 (2008年,2010年-現在)興趣:去貓咖啡店喜歡:點心、綠色的東西討厭:蟲喜歡的Band:ANGRA、ARCH ENEMY、Children Of BodomMessage:Sawa噗★和大家相處的很好喲♪Was simultaneously in the all-female melodic death metal band G∀LMET, until withdrawing from them in October 2011. Uses a 5-string B.C. Rich Widow bass guitar and Markbass bass amps. Formerly used a 5-string Ibanez SR and her own signature models by Combat Guitars; Als 450 Deco Custom, Als 500 and ALD-III.Aruto生日:10/19出生地:愛知縣居住地:大阪府擔當:Drumillustrator (2010年-現在)興趣:讀書・蘑菇雜物收集喜歡:午睡・紫色・朱古力討厭:芹菜・柔軟的蟲子喜歡的Band:陰陽座、Galneryus、聖飢魔Message:Drum和香菇的愛不停止的Aruto。用漢字書寫是在兎喲★笑臉和怪臉一起的,Aldious的節奏支撐♪Formerly in the bands Heaven and Tenshou -Meteoric Force-. Uses Pearl Reference series drums, Sabian cymbals and her own signature Pearl drumsticks.
Rami原Vocal,2012年6月因身體原因退出生日:3/15居住地:大阪府擔當:Vocal作詞(2008年-2012年)血液型:0型身高:160cm興趣:線上遊戲、在卡拉OK中金屬叫喊喜歡:☆Chrome Hearts☆玉子燒(塩)☆草莓牛奶Purin~討厭:§grotesqueness系 §蟲§青椒Message:假如精神年齡有83歲☆請多多關照\(^o^)/Formerly in the band Area and performed backing vocals on Manipulated Slaves 2009 album Back From The Damnation. Uses a Shure SM58-LCE customized with rhinestones.KazeKaze (風-Kaze-) – bass (2009)Currently in the band Crying Machine under the name Fuko, and formerly a member of Manipulated Slaves.RukiHime Ruki (髏姫-RUKI-, lit. Princess Ruki) – guitar (2008)Currently in the all-female melodic death metal band G∀LMET.