當前樂隊陣容主唱:Erkki Seppanen (Made In Iron,Tuiran Miliisi,KYPCK,Ruinside,ex-Russian Rock Project)(2007-)吉他:Rami Keranen(1999-)(也擔任1999年至2002年主唱)Dreamtale吉他:Seppo Kolehmainen(Ruinside)貝司:Heikki Ahonen - Bass (2009-)鍵盤:Akseli Kaasalainen (2006-)鼓手:Petteri Rosenbom - Drums (1999-2005,2010-至今)前樂隊成員主唱:Tomi Viiltola(2002-2003)(Alliance (Fin),Santhyr,UltiMatium)主唱:Jarkko Ahola(2003-2005)(Bulldozer (Fin),Cosmic Spell,Terasbetdreamtale(10張)oni,Northern Kings)主唱:NilsNisseNordling(2005-2007)(Anthriel)鼓手:Rolf Pilve(ex-Astral Sleep,Division of the Spoils,Sightless (Fin),Essence of Sorrow,Miseration,Status Minor)鼓手:Arto Pitkauml;nen(2008-2010)吉他:Esa Orjatsalo(Guardians of Mankind)(1999-2004)貝斯:Alois Weimer(2000-2002)(Frostborn)貝斯:Pasi Ristolainen(2002-2008)鍵盤:Turkka Vuorinen(MoonMadness)(2000-2006)吉他:Mikko Mattila(Crystalic)(2004-2007)
1999 年,吉他手Rami Keranen想組一支屬於自己的樂團,且一開始就已經決定把團名取作Dreamtale,因此在他的積極努力之下,Dreamtale的音樂開始慢慢成形,並在同年秋天錄成一卷tape,這也成為他們的首張demo「Shadow of the Frozen Sun」。進入2000年,Dreamtale為了讓他們的音樂能讓更多人聽到,在幾次團員的更動後,他們參加了多場各式各樣的演出,歷經多場的成功演出後,他們錄製了第二張demo-「Refuge From Reality」,這使他們的知名度在芬蘭終於被廣泛的傳開來。2001年八月,在多家與他們接觸的唱片公司中,Dreamtale選擇與知名金屬大廠 Spinefarm Records簽下契約,並錄製完成了他們的首張專輯Beyond Reality。如要選出芬蘭鏇律力量金屬王者,就銷售量以及受歡迎程度當然非Stratovarius(靈雲)莫屬,而當Stratovarius的熱力仍持續燃燒之時,一些受其影響的後起之秀已紛紛出現,其中又以芬蘭本國的Sonata Arctica(北極奏鳴曲)與Dreamtale(夢境傳說)最受矚目。dreamtale 合影海報(13張)2007年8月,主唱Jarkko Ahola因加入另一支樂隊Terasbetoni而離開Dreamtale,樂隊一度傳出解散的訊息。然而事實並非如此,擁有了新主唱Erkki Seppauml;nen的Dreamtale已經帶著第四張專輯Phoenix歸來。
他們的專輯《Beyond Reality》中首曲The dawn以輕柔的鍵盤貫穿全曲,搭配著壯闊的band sound,彷佛電影情節般的開場intro,波瀾浩瀚的場面已出現在想像中,此曲改編自電影《The Rock》的主題曲配樂,也被魔獸玩家稱為亡靈序曲;接下來的Memories of time與Refuge from reality,純正的melodic power metal迎面襲來,流暢悅耳的編曲架構,主唱純熟的嗓音,為整張作品帶來最好的開始。首支主打歌Fallen star,以鍵盤與鼓的過門開場,令人驚艷的美聲女vocal與主唱Tomi的完美搭配合唱,將整首歌的境界推向最高點!Where the rainbow ends是另一首主打歌級金屬佳作,尤其主唱在此嘗試運用各種不同的演唱音色來增加vocal部分的複雜度,而副歌時的多部合唱與女vocal合音搭配表情豐富的吉他solo,更讓人感到Dreamtale的未來是不可限量的!現場圖片(19張)
Beyond Reality(2002)⒈ The Dawn(intro)04:06⒉ Memories of Time 04:46⒊ Fallen Star 04:25⒋ Hearts Desire 08:10⒌ Where the Rainbow Ends 05:01⒍ Time of Fatherhood 05:25⒎ Dreamland 03:38⒏ Call of the Wild 05:23⒐ Dancing in the Twilight 04:58⒑ Refuge From Reality 04:45⒒ Silent Path 04:52⒓ Farewell 07:15⒔ Secret Wish(Japanese Version)Oceans Heart(2003)⒈ Oceans Heart 1:18⒉ Chosen One 3:39⒊ Angels Eyes 5:10⒋ Fools Gold 3:54⒌ Two Hundred Men 5:33⒍ The Awakening 3:30⒎ Tears 5:21⒏ Garden of Eternity 4:17⒐ My Only Wish 4:51⒑ If You Will Go 5:24⒒ Rising Wind 5:34⒓ Return to the Sea 7:29⒔ Whisper 1:58⒕ Wasteland 6:59Difference(2005)⒈ Lost Souls 3:12⒉ Wings of Icaros 4:54⒊ New Life 4:50⒋ Lucid Times 7:31⒌ Mirror 3:28⒍ Worlds Child 3:56⒎ Sail Away 3:46⒏ Fly 4:07⒐ Secret Door 3:55⒑ We Are One 4:19⒒ Green Fields 3:11⒓ Powerplay(Bonus Track)4:15Phoenix(2008)⒈ Yesterdays News 3:33⒉ Eyes Of The Clown 4:43⒊ Payback 4:44⒋ Failed States 3:49⒌ Take What The Heavens Create 2:53⒍ Great Shadow 5:15⒎ No Angels No More 3:46⒏ Faceless Men 4:16⒐ Firebird 3:47⒑ The Vigilante 4:46⒒ Lady Dragon(Bonus Track)4:15⒓ Between Love And Hate(Bonus Track) 4:05Epsilon (2011)Epsilon⒈ Firestorm 4:30⒉ Angel of Light 4:04⒊ Each Time I Die 5:14⒋ Where Eternal Jesters Reign 3:33⒌ Fly Away 5:09⒍ Reasons Revealed 4:48⒎ Strangers Ode 5:58⒏ Mortal Games 3:46⒐ Lady of a Thousand Lakes 5:52⒑ March to Glory 6:28
World Changed Forever(2013)⒈ The Shore 2:23⒉ Island Of My Heart 5:37新磚封面⒊ Tides Of War 4:22⒋ We Have No God 5:09⒌ The Signs Were True 5:09⒍ The Heart After Dark 4:26⒎ Join The Rain 5:02⒏ Back To The Stars 5:53⒐ World Changed Forever 5:59⒑ My Next Move 3:52⒒ Dreamtime 6:34⒓ Destinys Chance 3:54+ JAPANESE BONUS TRACK: The End Of Our Days 4:21單曲 (EP)編輯Wellon(2005)⒈Powerplay 4:16合併圖冊(2張)⒉New Life 4:56⒊ Mrror 3:30Take What the Heavens Create(2008)⒈Take What the Heavens Create 2:53Payback(2008)⒈Payback 4:11Angel of Light(2009)⒈Angel of Light2.Reasons Revealed3.Strangers OdeTides of War(2013)Tides of War 4:03Join the Rain(2013)Join the Rain 4:11詞條圖冊更多圖冊