Friends S04E21歌詞

添加日期:2023-12-26 時長:21分10秒 歌手:英語聽力

All of a sudden, so much is happening. 突然間發生了好多事
I know. Ross is getting married. 就是啊,羅斯要結婚
Phoebe's making people. 菲比在…做人
-Everybody's doing stuff. -We just sit here. 大家都在忙 只有我們坐在這裡
If I died, people would know I was here... 要是我死了 大家只會...
...only by the ass print on this chair! 從這張椅子的屁股印 知道我存在過
-What are we doing? -Wasting our lives. 我們要幹嘛? 浪費生命
I meant for lunch. 我是說午餐吃什麼
We have to do something. Something huge! 我們得做一件大事
We could climb Mt. Everest. 我們可以去爬珠峰
Not something stupid. Something huge! 不是蠢事,是大事
I saw an ad for this video. 不,我在錄影帶上看到廣告
People climb that thing every day. We could totally do that! 每天都有人在爬 我們也可以爬
Why not? I mean,it's just climbing. 誰說不行?只不過是爬山
-It's just steep! -Yeah. 只不過很陡
We're going! It'd be nice to leave an ass print on Everest. 我們去攻頂 在山頂留屁股印一定很爽
What's up? 在乾什麼?
-We're gonna climb Mt. Everest. -Yeah,baby! 我們要去爬珠峰 沒錯
I looked into that. 真的?我也去問過
Yeah,but it costs like $60,000, and,you know,you could die. 但是要花6萬,而且可能會死
And you would die. 你們一定會死
We could get that Everest video. 我們可以去借珠峰的錄影帶
We could do that without risking our lives at all. 對,那樣就不必冒生命危險
While we're at the video store, we could rent Die Hard! 到了錄影帶店 我們還可以借“終極警探”
I just remembered. 我剛想到
That Everest thing is only available through mail order. 那個錄影帶只能郵購
So you'll stay here and hang out with me? 所以你們要留下來陪我羅? 對
But one of these days... 不過總有一天
...we'll get off our butts and rent Die Hard again! 我們會站起來 再去借一次“終極警探”
The One with the lnvitation 本集播出:“羅斯與瑞秋”
That was fast. It usually takes me hours to get Ben to go down for his nap. 真快,我通常要花2小時 才能讓班乖乖睡覺
He's such a sweetheart. Do you know what he said? 他好可愛 你知道他剛才說什麼?
-Good night,mommy. -That's because he has lots of mommies. 什麼? 媽咪,晚安 因為他有很多媽咪
Yeah,in fact,it's kind of become his word for "woman". 那算是他對女人的通稱
So does your uncle Nathan get an invite or not? 怎樣,請不請你的納森叔叔?
Oh,God! Nobody likes him. 沒有人喜歡他
He's so cheap. He'd never fly to London in a million years. 而且他好小器 他絕不會飛去倫敦的
Invite him! 好,請吧
Did I do these neat enough? 我寫得還可以嗎?
Yeah,they're fine. 可以 是嗎?
We'll say that Ben addressed them. 別人問就說是班寫的
You invited Rachel then? 你也請了瑞秋?
Sure,why not? 對啊,幹嘛不請?
Really? 真的?
I wouldn't be comfortable having any of my old lovers there. 我找舊情人去一定會覺得蹩扭
Do you think we shouldn't invite her? 你覺得我們不該請她嗎?
You know I absolutely adore Rachel. 不,我很喜歡瑞秋
It's just that I thought it might be awkward for you. 我只是怕你會尷尬
But it's absolutely your decision. 不過你決定就好
-More tea? -Sure. 還要茶嗎? 好
Earl Grey? 伯爵(茶)?
Fine,invite whoever you want. 好,你想請誰就請誰
I don't want to be single,okay? I just want to be married again. 我不想單身,好嗎?我想再婚
And I just want a million dollars! 我想要1百萬
Oh God,Monica. Thank God! 瑞秋? 天哪,摩妮卡,謝天謝地
This is Rachel. Another Lincoln High survivor. 各位,這是瑞秋 她也念林肯高中
This is Chandler. 這是錢德
Phoebe. 菲比
Joey. 喬伊
-Do you remember Ross? -Sure. 你記得我哥羅斯嗎? 當然記得
Back in high school... 你或許不知道,念高中時…
...I had a major crush on you. 我非常喜歡你
I knew. 我知道
You did? 真的?
I figured you thought I was Monica's geeky brother. 我以為你只當我是 摩妮卡的怪胎哥哥
I did. 沒錯
Listen,do you think 你覺得…
Try not to let my intense vulnerability become a factor. 請別被我容易緊張的缺點影響
Would it be okay if I asked you out sometime? 我改天可以約你出去嗎?
Maybe. 好啊…或許可以
Okay,maybe I will. 好,或許我會約
See,I see... 我看到...
...big passion in your future. 你會有一段火熱戀情
-Really? -I do. 真的? 對
Ross,you're so great. 羅斯,你真好
It's never gonna happen. 別做夢了
I have a question. 我想問個問題
Actually,it's not so much a question. 其實不算是問題
It's more of a general wondering... 比較算是一個疑惑...
...ment. ...慮
Well,for a while now, I've been wanting to.... 其實我一直想要…
Yes,yes. 對
That's right. 沒錯
Look! 你看
What? 什麼?
Top of the world looking …世界的頂端
Down on creation 俯瞰萬物
And the only explanation I can find 我唯一能找到的解釋
Listen,missy! If you want this cart, you'll have to take me with it! 你給我聽著 車在人在,車亡人亡
-Did you see that? -You were incredible! 你看到了嗎? 你太猛了
A brand-new woman, ladies and gentlemen. 你看到了嗎? 全新的瑞秋誕生了
I could not have done this without you. 沒有你我絕對辦不到
More clothes in the dryer? 好…還要烘衣服嗎?
I'm fine. 我沒事
You had no right to tell me you had feelings for me. 你沒資格說你對我有感覺
I was doing great with Julie before I found out. 什麼? 我和茱莉原本過得很好
I was doing great too. It's not easy for me to see you with Julie. 我原本過得也很好 你以為看你們在一起很好受嗎
I don't need this right now. 重點是我不想要這樣 好嗎?
It's too late. 來不及了
I'm with somebody else. This ship has sailed! 我有別人了,我很快樂 這艘船已經開了
All right,fine! Go ahead and do that. 好,你走啊
I don't need your stupid ship! 我不需要你這艘笨船
好 很好
This is the first time I'm doing something I care about. 我這輩子第一次做我愛做的事
I'm doing something that I'm actually good at. 做我真正在行的事
If you don't get that 要是你不懂…
I get that,but I'm tired of your answering machine. 我懂,我很懂,我為你高興 但我不想再跟答錄機交往了
I don't know what to do. 我已經沒輒了
Neither do l! 我也是
Is this about Mark? 跟馬克有關嗎?
Oh,my God! 我的天哪
Okay,it's not. 好,不是
I can't keep having this same fight over and over again. 我的天哪 我不能為了同樣的事一吵再吵
You're making this too hard! 你快把我逼瘋了 好,我快把你逼瘋了
I am? What do you want me to do? 你要我怎么做?
I don't know. Look,maybe we should just take a break. 我不知道… 也許我們應該分開
You're right. Let's cool off. 你說得對,我們先冷靜一下
Let's get some frozen yogurt or something. 去吃點冷凍優格什麼的
A break from us. 不,我是說分手
-Why are we rushing? -The girlfriend I told you about. 我們在趕什麼? 我昨晚提到的那個女朋友
She wants to get back together with me. 她想跟我複合…
I found it! 找到了
That's so great for you guys! 真是太好了
-Good luck with your girlfriend. -Thank you. 祝你複合成功 謝謝
-You got my message? -You are right on time. 你聽到留言了嗎? 你來得正好
Can I be your girlfriend again? 我可以再當你的女朋友嗎?
You can very much. 可以得不得了
I want you to leave. Get out! 你給我走,滾
I want to talk about this. 不,我想留下來談一談
All right,how was she? 好,她怎么樣?
-What? -Was she good? 什麼? 她厲害嗎?
Don't answer! 不要回答
You wanted to talk about it. How was she? 你說你想談,那就談啊 她怎么樣?
She was.... 她…
-She was not good,not good. -Nothing compared to you. 很遜,什麼也比不上你 不好
She was different. 她不一樣
Good different? 好的不一樣?
Nobody likes change. 沒有人喜歡改變
Just stop! 別再說了
The way you owned up to everything. 你這么坦然認錯
It's just showed me how much you've grown,you know? 證明你真的成長不少
I mean,my mom never thought this would work out. 我媽一直覺得我們無法複合
She was all, "Once a cheater,always a cheater." 她說:出軌一次就是一輩子
I just wish we hadn't lost those four months. 真希望沒有這4個月的空白
But if time was what you needed just to gain a little perspective. 但要是時間能讓你看清楚一點
We were on a break! 我們當時分手了!
You seem to really like her. 你似乎真的很喜歡她
What do I do? We agreed it'd be a two-week thing. 我能怎么辦? 我們說好只在一起2星期
No commitment. 不要有承諾
That girl just spent the entire evening talking to your friends... 那個女孩整晚都跟你的朋友
...asking to hear stories about you... 嚷著要聽你的事
...Iooking through Monica's photo albums. 還有看摩妮卡的相簿
You don't do that if you're just in it for two weeks. 只想在一起2周才不會這么做
You think? 是嗎?
You've got 14 hours until she has to be at the airport. 她還有14個小時才要去機場
And you're sitting here in a hallway... 你卻坐在走廊上
...with a 28-year-old cheerleader with a fat lip. 陪一個嘴腫起來的老啦啦隊長
-You're right. -Yeah. 你說得對
This is so amazing! 真好
My brother's getting married and in London! 我哥哥居然要去倫敦結婚
It's so romantic. 好浪漫喔
Hey,pretty smart! 真聰明
Tissue paper. 附面紙
You're at the wedding. You have to cry. 參加婚禮當然會哭
Handkerchief? No,I got my invitation. 需要手帕嗎?不了,我有喜帖
Isn't this adorable? 真可愛
Ross let Ben address mine. 羅斯讓班寫我的信封
Did you get your invitation to Ross' wedding? 你收到羅斯的喜帖了嗎?
No. 沒有
Don't worry,I get to bring a guest. We'll show him. 放心,我可以帶一位親友 看他怎么說
I'm so jealous you're all going. 好嫉妒你們都要去
I never knew you can't fly in your third trimester. 懷孕9個月居然不能坐飛機
I didn't,either. 我也不知道
I knew that. 我知道
So I didn't know that. But you should see your faces. 我不知道,但你們的表情好妙
What's up? 你們在幹嘛?
Just hanging out. 也沒幹嘛
What's this? Ross' wedding invitation? 這是什麼?羅斯的喜帖?
Maybe that's the one we should have hidden. 也許該藏的是那一張
No,you guys,come on. You don't have to do that. 不,不必那樣
I'm happy for him. 我很替他高興
I am. I really 真的,我很…
I'll work on it. 我會調適的
I'm sorry. 對不起
You're going to come,though, aren't you? 不過你會去吧?
I don't know. 我不知道
This isn't one of those "lf she doesn't come,we don't come"? 該不會她不去我們就不去吧?
-I bought my ticket. -You're not even invited. 我已經買票了 他根本沒請你
You know what would be real weird? If you weren't there. 你不去會很奇怪
-Just say you'll think about it. -I'll think about it. 你就考慮一下吧 我會的
-Who's this from? -That's Ross'. 這是誰送的? 羅斯送的
Oh,my God! 天哪
He remembered. 他記得
Remembered what? 記得什麼?
It was months ago. We were walking by this antique store. 好幾個月前 我們經過一家古董店
I saw this and told him it was like one my grandmother had... 我看到這個別針對他說
...when I was a little girl. 小時我奶奶有一個一模一樣的
I can't believe he remembered! 他居然記得
This must've cost a fortune. 他一定花了很多錢
I can't believe he did this. 他居然這么大方
Remember when he fell in love with Carol... 羅斯耶,他大學愛上卡蘿時
...and got her that expensive crystal duck? 就送了她一隻超貴的水晶鴨
What did you just say? 你剛才說什麼?
Oh,my God! 我的天哪
Flight number 457 from Beijing now arriving. 來自北京的457號班機 剛剛抵達
Oh,my God! 天哪
-We were in school together. -We haven't seen each other since. 我們是老同學 畢業後就沒見過
I land in China. Guess who's in charge of the dig? 到了中國 你們猜是誰主持挖掘工作?
Julie! 茱莉
Isn't that great? 很棒吧?
Isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck fantastic? 真是老二被踹到腰去閃到的爽
That is so sweet! 你真好
No,you hang up. 不…不,你先掛
No,you 不,你…
One,two,three. 好 一,二,三
You didn't hang up! 你也沒掛
She didn't hang up either. 她也沒掛
Okay,no. No,you hang up. 不,你掛 你掛
You! 你掛…
Ross,hi. 羅斯,嗨
It's Rachel. 我是瑞秋
I'm just calling to say that everything's fine. 我只是打來告訴你一切都很好
And I'm really happy for you... 我很替你...
...and your cat. ...和你的貓高興
Obviously,I am over you. 所以顯然的,我已經放下你了
I am over you. 我已經放下你了
And that,my friend, is what they call closure. 而那樣,就是所謂的了結
I got a message from you. 瑞秋,有你的留言
Oh,my God! Hang up the phone! 完了,羅斯,掛掉
Give me the phone! 電話給我…
You're over me? 你放下我了?
Oh,God. 天哪
You're over me? 你放下我了?
When were you... 你什麼時候…
...under me? 舉起我的?
Basically... 基本上…
...Iately,I've.... 最近…我…
I've sort of had feelings for you. 我有點對你有感覺
I need to lie down. 好,我得躺下
He broke up with Julie! 他跟茱莉分手了
Go hug her,for God's sakes! 過去抱她啊
-Really? -Really. 真的? 真的
It's always been you,Rach. 我一直都只要你
Oh,God. 天哪
Listen,I'm sorry I had to work tonight. 抱歉今晚還得工作
That's okay. 沒關係
You're worth the wait. 你值得我等
And I don't just mean tonight. 我不只是指今晚
Oh,God! 天哪
Honey. 親愛的
That's okay. 沒關係
No,you just rolled over the juice box. 不是,你壓到果汁了
Did you say anything to Rachel about me and the girl from the copy place? 阿甘,你沒告訴瑞秋 我跟影印店女生的事吧?
I'm sorry. 對不起
Was I not supposed to? 我不該說嗎?
You ended it! 是你要分手的
Because I was mad at you. Not because I stopped loving you. 因為我很氣你 不是因為我不愛你了
You still love me? 你還愛我? 沒有
What does this mean? Do you want to get back together? 什麼意思?你想複合嗎?
Maybe. 不是…也許吧
I don't know. 我不知道
I just,I feel.... 我只是覺得…
I can't believe I even thought of getting back together. We're so over! 我居然會想跟你複合 我們根本就完了
Fine by me! 無所謂
And hey! Just so you know, it's not that common. 順便告訴你 這種事並不常見
It doesn't happen to every guy, and it is a big deal. 並非男人都會這樣 這是很嚴重的
I knew it! 我就知道
Rachel's coming up. Doesn't she look pretty? 瑞秋來了,她是不是很美啊?
Oh,my God! 天哪
This is us getting ready for the prom. 這是我們準備要去參加舞會
We don't have to watch this. 這種帶子就別看了
Yeah,we do! 當然要看
Come on! 拜託啦
-Get a shot of Monica. -How do you zoom out? 拍一下摩妮卡 怎么拉遠?
There she is! 有了
Shut up! The camera adds 10 pounds. 閉嘴,上鏡頭會多10磅
So how many cameras are actually on you? 所以是有幾個鏡頭對著你?
Dad,turn it off! 爸,關掉啦
It is off. 我關了
Right,Ross? 對吧,羅斯?
Looking good,Mr. Kotter! 粉帥喔,麥克風頭
I can't go to my prom without a date. It's too late. 我沒舞伴不能去舞會 時間來不及了
If you're not going, then I don't want to go either. 要是你不去,我也不想去了
I have a wonderful idea. 我有個好主意
You should take Rachel to the prom. 你帶瑞秋去參加舞會
We've seen enough. Let's turn it off. 看夠了,關掉吧
-I want to see! -Fine,I'm not going to watch. 我想看嘛! 那我不看,行吧?
Come on,kid. Let's go. 走吧
Are you handsome! 你好帥
Let's show them! 去讓他們瞧瞧
-Okay,Dad. -Rachel,ready or not. 行了 瑞秋,不管你好了沒
Here comes your knight in shining 解救你的白馬王…糟了
再見 奇普,快點
Oh,dear! 天哪…
How do I turn this off? 要怎么關掉?
I can't believe you did that. 你居然真的這樣做了
Yeah,well.... 我就…
See? He's her lobster! 看吧,他是她的龍蝦
No. 不會吧…
You're really not going? 你真的不去?
It's just going to be too hard. 對,我會很難面對
You know,I mean... 畢竟…'s Ross. 他是羅斯
How can I watch him get married? 我怎么能看著他結婚?
It's just for the best. You know? It is. 這樣最好,真的
Plus somebody's got to stay here with Phoebe. 而且總得有人陪菲比
She's going to be pretty big by then. 到時她的肚子會很大
She'll need someone to help her tie her shoes. 她會需要別人綁鞋帶
Drive her to the hospital if she goes into labor. 在她要生的時候送她去醫院
You don't have a car. 你沒有車
And your license expired. 駕照也過期了
There's so much to do, and I have so little time! 看吧,事情那么多 時間卻那么少
Check this out. 你們看
There's a place you can go to rent videos of all the museums. 這裡有完整的博物館錄影帶
"It's almost as good as being there." “幾乎如同身歷其境”
It's better! You can't go to a museum in your underwear. 更棒,去博物館不能穿內褲
You could,but just the one time. 可以,但之後你會被封殺
We could get videos of the sights... 我們可以去租景點錄影帶
...get a VCR in our hotel room and never have to go outside! 搬台錄放影機就不必出房間了
-lf we do that,we've got to rent Die Hard. -I bet the British version is good! 那一定要租“終極警探”


