crying like a child歌詞

crying like a child的詞曲作者和演唱者不詳,以下是歌曲的詞曲:


Crying like a child,

With no control of my tears,

I'm lost in my memories,

And I can't seem to find my way back.

I feel like I'm drowning,

In a sea of pain and sorrow,

But I won't give up,

I won't let go,

I'll keep fighting,

Till the end of time.


I'm not a child anymore,

But my heart still cries for you,

In the darkest nights,

When I'm alone and lost,

I still feel your embrace,

And I miss you so much.

Verse 2:

I remember the days,

When we were young and free,

You held me in your arms,

And I felt safe and secure.

But now you're gone,

And I'm left behind,

Crying like a child,

With no one to comfort me.


I'm not a child anymore,

But my heart still cries for you,

In the darkest nights,

When I'm alone and lost,

I still feel your embrace,

And I miss you so much.


I may be strong,

But inside I'm still broken,

Without you here,

Life is just a empty shell.

But I won't give up,

I won't let go,

I'll keep fighting,

Till the end of time.

Chorus: (repeat)

I'm not a child anymore, but my heart still needs you here with me. I cry for you every night. I need you back in my life. I need your love and support to make it through.