
添加日期:2023-12-15 時長:04分02秒 歌手:玉林說唱

作詞 : 玉林說唱/小川Derek/Manach
作曲 : 玉林說唱/小川Derek/Manach
It's like a sunflower seed baby(就像向日葵的種子一樣)
I be stressing about the real shit(我再強調那些事情)
You be digging up old shit(你在翻著舊帳)
Talking bout how I never do shit (說我從來不會做那些事情)
But you already know that a man be changing(但你知道那個男人正在改變)
Slowly, it's not an overnight thing(慢慢地,這不是一夜之間的事)
I got problems on problems on problems (我在那些問題上真的有問題)
Trynna find a way to intellectually solve em(試著找到一種理智地解決問題的方法)
You don't get it cause you never ever try to listen(你不明白,因為你從來沒有試著聽)
To the vision(看未來)
At this moment I am really on a mission
Trynna blossom(但現在我有我的使命嘗試著盛開)
But I don't want you to be sick though(但我不想你生病)
If you need some air we can open up the window(如果你需要一些空氣,我們可以打開窗戶)
And if you need space we can open up the front door(如果你需要空間我們可以打開前門)
Cause I ain't trynna play you like Nintendo(因為我不想玩任天堂那樣的遊戲)
It's like a sunflower seed baby(就像向日葵的種子一樣)
It ain't like nothing you've seen baby(寶貝,你好像什麼都沒見過)
sunflower seed 落在心底(向日葵的種子落在心底)
I can say nothing just wait it(我不能說什麼只能等待)
tell me the truth babe(寶貝請告訴我事實)
I know you should know my feeling(我只知道你應該知道我的感受)
but I can't tell u anymore(我不能再告訴你更多)
我也覺得 我玩得太過過火
沒有承諾 一錯再錯 我也說過我能給的不多
But baby I『m falling with you(但我真的為你陷入了)
It's like a sunflower seed baby(就像向日葵的種子一樣)


