
時長:03分37秒 歌手:King Africa

One Woman
In Kigali she wakes up
She makes a choice
In Hanoi Natal Ramallah
In Tangier she takes a breath
Lifts up her voice
In Lahore La Paz Kampala
Though she’s half a world awa
Something in me wants to say …
We are One Woman
You cry and I hear you
We are One Woman
You hurt and I hurt too
We are One Woman
Your hopes are mine
We shall shin
In Juarez she speaks the truth
She reaches out
Then teaches others how to
In Jaipur she gives her name
She lives without shame
In Manila Salta Embu
Though we’re different as can be
We’re connected she with me
We are One Woman
Your courage keeps me strong
We are One Woman
You sing I sing along
We are One Woman
Your dreams are mine
And we shall shine
We shall shine
And one

King Africa最好聽的歌