《Yummy Yummy》的詞曲是由衛蘭演唱的歌曲,中英文歌詞如下所示:
Yummy Yummy 令我食得停不了
Yummy Yummy 誘惑我早餐未了
眼睛一開 便見到 你的微笑
我愈來愈好 飲食愈來愈好
要跟你比賽 食量愈來愈好
全日都抱著我 便會好快樂
Yummy yummy, I can't stop eating it
Yummy yummy, tempting my breakfast yet unfinished
Open my eyes and see your smile
No need for me to tire myself throughout the day
I'm getting better and better, and my appetite is increasing.
I want to compete with you for the most appetizing.
I feel contented all day long, holding you close to me.
Even a sip of water is your laughter.
As soon as I blink my eyes, you will know.
Blink, blink, blink, blink, blink, blink...
無論是中文版還是英文版,《Yummy Yummy》都是一首充滿甜蜜和誘惑的歌曲,表達了對於美食的熱愛和享受。歌詞中多次使用“Yummy”這個詞,強調了食物的美味和誘惑力,同時也傳達出戀人間親密無間的情感。歌曲節奏明快,旋律動聽,衛蘭獨特的嗓音更是為這首歌曲增色不少。