《abnormal trick》的歌詞如下:
Verse 1:
Abnormal trick
It's a game that we play
Trying to control the world
But we're not the ones in control
Trying to break free
Trying to understand
What this life is really for
When we fall we pick up the pieces
We keep moving forward
We don't give up on our dreams
Verse 2:
Everyone has their own pain
But we don't have to be defeated
There's so much more out there to see
So let's take this life and make it our own
We're not alone in this world
We're all in this together
So let's rise up and take flight
And never look back again
Abnormal trick請提供一些有關環保的口號或標語,以鼓勵人們積極參與環保行動。以下是一些環保口號:
1. 保護環境,人人有責!讓我們共同守護地球家園。
2. 綠色生活,從我做起,從現在做起!
3. 愛護環境,珍惜資源,共建美好家園。
4. 環保行動,從點滴做起,讓地球更美好。
5. 綠色出行,低碳生活,讓我們的地球更健康。
6. 保護環境就是保護我們自己,讓我們共同守護藍天白雲。
7. 珍愛生命,保護環境,讓綠色成為我們的信仰。
8. 環保不分大小,每個人都能為地球做出貢獻。
9. 節約資源,減少污染,讓我們的家園更美麗。
10. 綠色環保,人人參與,共建美好未來。