two out of three ain't bad歌詞

"Two out of three ain't bad" 是歌曲 "Three Little Birds" 的歌詞。


Two out of three ain't bad

Three little birds, singing

One by one, they take a flight

But I can still hear them sing

Two out of three ain't bad

Three little birds, singing

Oh, they're not like the rest of us

Who can't say what they're thinking

But they're singing for you and me

And I can hear them say

"Don't worry, don't worry

About a thing

Cause every little thing gonna be alright"

Cause they sing it every single day

Three little birds, on the ground

You know they're only trying to get some sun

And they're singing it for you and me

So we don't have to be alone

Two out of three ain't bad

Three little birds, singing

Oh, they're not like the rest of us

Who can't say what they're thinking

But they're singing for you and me

So don't be afraid, of what they say

Because every single day gonna be alright

Every little thing gonna be alright.

以上就是這首歌詞的大致內容,其中 "Two out of three" 是比喻大多數人只能做一件事中的兩件事,但還是不錯,"Three Little Birds" 是歌曲的副歌部分,代表著生活的美好,人們在面對困難時不必過分擔憂。歌詞用簡單的語言描繪出這些小鳥為人們唱著希望的歌曲,傳達著一種樂觀積極的態度。