the goonies r good enough歌詞

The Goonies 'R Good Enough的英文詞曲是由斯汀(Sting)所創作,以下是其歌詞:

Verse 1:

The Goonies, they're alright

They're not perfect, but they're mine

They're not perfect, but they're mine

And that's enough for me


The Goonies 'R Good Enough

It doesn't matter what they lack

As long as they've got each other

The Goonies, they're all we've got

Verse 2:

Life isn't always what we plan

But when things go wrong, we hold hands

When things go wrong, we hold hands

And it will be alright


The Goonies 'R Good Enough

It doesn't matter what they lack

As long as they've got each other

The Goonies, they're all we've got


And in the darkest days, we will fight

To make sure they stay together

In the darkest days, we will fight

To keep our family together


The Goonies 'R Good Enough

It doesn't matter what they lack

As long as they've got each other

The Goonies, they're all we've got


The Goonies, forever my pride, I hope that I have their hearts. I hope that I have their hearts. And so we keep going. We keep going together. Together forever. The Goonies are good enough.