rhye the fall歌詞

"The Fall"的詞曲創作由Rhye負責,並且由Seymour等擔任音樂錄影帶的演員。以下是我為您提供的一部分歌詞:


I don't know why

But I just can't seem to keep

From going back

Back to you

Now it's the fall

I can feel the weight of everything

All around me

It's so hard to hold on

To what I've been taught

And I don't know what to do

With all the pain that I feel inside

Now it's the fall


I'm standing on the edge of something

I don't know what it is

But I feel it in my bones

And I don't know if I can trust myself

And it feels so real right now


Ohh ohh ohh

But what if it crumbles underneath me?

Ohh ohh ohh (Now it's the fall)


You tell me where to go, but you won't listen now (No)

What's underneath is black, no way of knowing now (Now)

Just hope there's light up ahead (Yeah) (Ohh ohh ohh)

Ohh ohh ohh (Now it's the fall)
