paris hilton jealousy歌詞

"Paris Hilton Jealousy" 是由歌手/演員 Paris Hilton 演唱的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Verse 1:

I'm so sick of her, she's always talking

About how she's so hot, but she's not

She's so full of herself, she's a bigot

But I'm not gonna let her get to me


I'm so jealous of her, she's so perfect

She's got it all, but I don't care

I'm just happy with me, I'm my own star

And I won't let anyone bring me down

Verse 2:

She's got a perfect life, and a perfect body

But I don't need anyone to validate me

I'm so confident, I don't need no man

And I won't let her make me feel less than


She thinks she's so special, but she's not

She's just another girl in the game of life

She thinks she's so perfect, but she's not

She doesn't know what it means to be alone


I'm so jealous of her, she's so perfect

She's got it all, but I don't care

I'm just happy with me, I'm my own star

And I won't let anyone bring me down


I won't let her make me feel small

I won't let her take my shine away

I am my own star, and I will shine bright

And I won't let anyone bring me down.

以上就是 "Paris Hilton Jealousy" 的歌詞。這首歌表達了作者對 Paris Hilton 的嫉妒,但同時也表達了作者對自己的自信和獨立,不會因為別人的評價而改變自己。