my father and my mother歌詞

《My Father And My Mother》的詞曲作者不詳,以下是歌曲的部分歌詞:

I've been blessed with a father and mother

They taught me how to be what they knew

Through their wisdom and understanding

And through faith and a touch

Verse 2

He gave me so much and even more

My family they love me and cherish me

But what about their fears and problems

He is standing with me forever


I will love my father and my mother

With every part of me until I die

And if I fall or if I rise

I will always love my father and my mother

Verse 3

I will pray for them and watch over them

Till they are safe in his loving arms

With his grace upon their head

He will lead them by his grace too


I will love my father and my mother

With every part of me until I die

And if I fall or if I rise

I will always love my father and my mother


The way you live your life the way you speak

To all of them your son commands thee

May your legacy remain for all time

So when you lay down in Jesus name, He is standing with you.

Chorus 2x's (see previous)

My Father and my Mother will forever live in me.

Verse 4 is short: Love is so grand, it covers all, no fear, no pain.

Chorus x2 (see previous)

Forever, forever, forever, I will love my father and my mother.

Outro: In Jesus name, we ask that you continue to bless our family.

And in the name of Jesus, we pray that you continue to guide them.

Forever, forever, forever.

Outro: Amen.
