"Lemon Tree Animation" 是由Lily and the Lemmings樂隊演唱的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:
Verse 1:
Oh, I'm walking through the lemon tree
Trying to find my way back home
But every branch is bending low
And I'm lost in this endless sea
And I'm singing a song
Trying to find my way
But every melody is fading
And I'm lost in this endless sea
Verse 2:
Oh, I'm feeling so alone
Trying to find my way back home
But every step I take is wrong
And I'm lost in this endless sea
And I'm singing a song
Trying to find my way
But every melody is fading
And I'm lost in this endless sea
And now I'm here at the end of the rainbow
Trying to find my way back home
But there's no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow
I'm lost in this endless sea
And I'm singing a song
Trying to find my way
But every melody is fading
And I'm lost in this endless sea
So lost in this endless sea, oh...
Trying to find my way home.
這是一首關於迷失和尋找回家的路的歌曲,表達了主人公在迷路中無助和孤獨的情感。歌詞中多次提到“迷失在無盡的海洋中”,暗示了主人公的迷茫和無助。同時,歌曲中的“lemon tree”元素也增添了一些趣味性和視覺效果。