invisible tears歌詞

《invisible tears》的歌詞如下:


Tonight, there's an empty seat,

On a stage, a masterpiece.

An absence where I once was,

Silence rings out like an echo.


All I could hear was the rustle of pages,

In a dream that faded long ago.

In my heart, a vision was blurred,

And you became my only shadow.


Invisible tears fell like rain,

In the silence of the night.

You were lost in my memory,

A shadow lost in the light.


But now I'm standing here alone,

Without a trace of pain.

I'm letting go of all regrets,

And I'm moving on with my life.


The memories fade like a painting,

But the love remains forever.

In my heart, you will always be,

A part of me that will never die.


Invisible tears fell like rain,

In the silence of the night.

You were lost in my memory,

A shadow lost in the light.

But the love remains forever,

Forever in my heart.