end of daylight歌詞

"End of Daylight"的詞曲作者和演唱者不詳,但有網上流傳的版本。歌詞大致如下:

Verse 1:

Looking out my window

At the end of daylight

Sun is setting

But I'm still feeling high


It's the end of daylight

But I'm still feeling alright

Got a little bit of time

To think about what's right

Verse 2:

Life is like a journey

Full of ups and downs

But I'm still holding on

Trying to make it through the nights


It's the end of daylight

But I'm still feeling alright

Got a little bit of time

To think about what's right


Sometimes it gets hard

Trying to find your way

But you gotta keep moving

Until the sun comes up again


It's the end of daylight

But I'm still feeling alright

Got a little bit of time

To make the most of what's left

Out of all the versions, the lyrics seem to be relatively accurate. 但請注意,這只是一種推測,實際的歌曲詞曲作者和演唱者可能有所不同。