dead in the water ellie goulding歌詞

"Dead in the Water" 是由 Ellie Goulding 演唱的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Verse 1:

Wading through the water

Trying to keep my head up

Trying to keep my feet moving

But I'm feeling dead in the water


I'm dead in the water

Trying to keep my head above

Trying to keep my feet moving

But I'm feeling dead in the water

Verse 2:

Trying to keep my balance

Trying to keep my feet dry

Trying to keep my head clear

But I'm feeling dead in the water


I'm dead in the water

Trying to keep my head above

Trying to keep my feet moving

But I'm feeling dead in the water


I'm feeling like I'm sinking

I'm feeling like I'm drowning

But I won't give up now

I won't let you down


I'm dead in the water

But I won't stay down forever

I'm feeling like I'm floating

I'm feeling like I'm on fire


So I won't give up now

I won't let you down

I won't let you down.

以上就是 "Dead in the Water" 的歌詞。這首歌表達了一種在困境中掙扎,但不願放棄的精神。歌詞中多次提到“感覺像在沉沒”、“感覺像在淹沒”,但隨後又表達出一種“感覺像在漂浮”、“感覺像在燃燒”的積極態度,展現了主人公不屈不撓的精神。