"Da Pump - USA" 的歌詞和訳如下:
Da Pump, USA, we make it pop
Everybody get up, and jump up and down
We gonna make you sweat, like a workout
DJ and the homies keep it on the rundown
Let's go to the party, party
Da Pump, USA, we make it pop
Everybody get up, and jump up and down
Wake up, the world's at your command
Go ahead and make your moves, your moves
Swing your hips, work your groove, work your groove
Come on and get your body dirty, dirty
Like you in the gym lifting weights
Hey boy, look what you made me do, boy
Swing my hips and feel the heat in me, me
Chillin', fell in love and had to shout it out loud
Get it on like that I want your loving, loving
Let's go to the party, party
Da Pump, USA, we make it pop
Everybody get up, and jump up and down
Wake up, the world's at your command
Yo yo yo yo, we in the house tonight
Da Pump USA we make it bounce up high (Yeah)
Everybody clap your hands (Yeah)
Come on and move to the rhythm of the drums (Yeah)
Get down with your bad self (Yeah)
You know you feeling this (Yeah)
So let your body move to the rhythm of the drums (Yeah)
Let's go to the party, party (Yeah)
Da Pump, USA, we make it pop (Yeah) 1-2-3-4 (Yeah) 1-2-3-4 3-4-5-6-7-8 (Yeah) 3-4 男女合唱:Get it on the run away (Yeah)Move with me like that (Yeah) Uh Uh (Yeah) Get with it Now you feel it! (Yeah) (音色低沉部分)美式文化 (Yeah)今晚在屋裡遊動(Yeah)搖擺(Yeah)感受節奏(Yeah)加入派對(Yeah)Da Pump,USA,我們讓音樂響起(Yeah)跳起來吧(Yeah)跳起來吧(Yeah)跳起來吧(Yeah)跳起來吧(Yeah)跳起來吧(Yeah)跳起來吧(Yeah)跳起來吧(Yeah)跳起來吧(Yeah)跳起來吧(Yeah)讓世界醒醒,讓世界在你的命令下動起來(Yeah) 全體合唱:Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh (尾聲部分)一起來吧!一起瘋狂!一起狂歡!一起來!一起來!一起來!一起來!一起來!一起來!一起來!一起來!一起來!一起來!一起來! (音效提升)我們的美式文化無處不在!派對派對,全世界都搖擺!(Everybody !!! Dance dance!!! Get down with U!!!! Yeah yeah yeah!!! ) 全體站起並一同擺動並結束派對! 註:“Yo yo yo yo”在這裡指的是Yo來指歌曲過渡段落或者對話、言語、輕喊時的音調和強調口型喊出來的"yo"。其餘詞語如"Move with me"是指男女共舞時保持和諧步調等,是一種常用語言。"Run away"這裡的意思是偷偷地快速跑走,"Here's"後是有關不倒翁機械的音樂元素配合音樂的迴蕩等音效元素,"Workout"的用法有點象是在講一段說唱表演過程,把現場音樂的氣氛調動的很好,"3-4-5-6-7-8"是一種韻律元素和旋律重複的過程,"Now you feel it" 是說唱歌手之間的口號或者鼓舞性的話。在結束時全體起立和最後共同歡呼的效果和聲音的層次都達到最高點。 以上信息僅供參考,如果需要更多的歌詞解釋建議直接查看Da Pump的音樂歌詞集。