after school shampoo歌詞

After School Shampoo的詞曲都是由鄭ANEGCUI製作的,以下是其歌詞:


[詩] 走過校門,我已不再是那個無憂無慮的孩提,


[主唱] 學校的操場,我們曾經嬉笑打鬧,


[副歌] 洗髮水,讓我找回那份純真,


[詩] 學校的樹蔭下,我們曾經約定,


[主唱] 如今我已不再是那個懵懂的少女,


[副歌] 洗髮水,讓我找回那份純真,


[結尾] 洗髮水,讓我找回那份純真,



[Verse 1]

After school, I'm no longer that carefree child,

The sky is clear, and the shampoo in my hand is fresh and inviting.


In the playground of the school, we used to play and laugh,

When I was young, I always smiled so happily.

[Verse 2]

The shampoo brings back my innocence,

Wash away the troubles of school, and let me start anew.


In the shade of the school tree, we used to make a pledge,

No matter where we go in the future, we will always be together.


The shampoo brings back my innocence,

Wash away the troubles of school, and let me start anew.


The shampoo brings back my innocence,

Wash all my worries away, and let me start anew.

以上就是After School Shampoo的全部歌詞信息。如需了解更多音樂內容,請繼續關注我的頻道。