* 朋友一聲呼,大家路途亮
(Pang! Friendship light, everyone's path brightens)
* 路遇挫折共進步
(We rise, together, when troubles come our way)
* 互幫互助開心無窮
(We help each other, joy is endless)
* 從此大家不孤獨
(From now on, we are not alone)
* 朋友在旁無懼困難
(With friends by our side, we are fearless)
* 互敬互愛情如金
(We love each other, as true as gold)
* 無論天高地厚,有你有我伴身邊
(No matter how high the sky, how deep the ground, you and I are always by each other's side)
* 共進退,共榮辱,朋友萬歲到永久
(Together, we advance and retreat, together, we prosper and suffer, friendship forever, to the age of eternal friendship)
* 友誼之光,永遠照亮我們的路程
(The light of friendship shines, forever brightening our path.)