冰雪奇緣let it go歌詞英文完整版

《Let It Go》是迪斯尼動畫電影《冰雪奇緣》中的主題曲,其英文完整歌詞如下:


Let it go, let it go

I'm free

I'm a snow princess of e

Let it go, let it go

Here I stand

In my kingdom and I

I've just outgrown you

My frozen heart

Now begins a journey that will take me to the ends of the world

Let it go, let it go

I've got to light up my soul

With an inner sun that will never set

And here I'll stand

In my kingdom and I

No one else can make me feel the way that you do

And here I'll stay in my kingdom, all alone

The snow glows white in the moonlight

Not really sure what to do now that I'm on my own

Can you feel the snow geese up above?

Oh, they're gone now and I'm on my own.

But now that I'm out here on my own, I can let it go.


Let it go, let it go. It's not the end of winter forever. And maybe now that you're gone, there's so much to discover. (Woah-oh) It's okay to cry because the truth is beautiful and u, there really is something wonderful about the world. Let it go.

Out here and let it all fall away.

What's beneath this icy embrace?

Oh, the wind is howling and it's making me shiver.

But I'm here now and I'm letting it go.

It's a beautiful night and the stars are bright above.

But you know what they say: beauty's only skin deep and, u know what else? It doesn't really matter because what we have is eternal and pure and forever mine. Let it go. Let it go. (Let it go, let it go) It's okay to dream, because dreams never die. And maybe now that you're gone, there's so much to discover. (Woah-oh) It's okay to cry because the truth is beautiful and u, there really is something wonderful about the world. Let it go. Let it go. (Let it go) Let it all go. (Let it go) Let it all go. (Oh) Let it all go. (Oh) Let it all go now! (Oh) Let it all go! (Oh) Now I can finally be me! (Oh) Now I can finally be me! (Oh) Now I can finally be me! Now I can finally be me! Now I am free! (Now I am free!) Now I am free! Now I am standing here, free as a bird, with a whole new world ahead of me! Now I am free! Let it go! Let it go! Let it all go! Let it all go! Let it all go now! Let it all go! 冰花舞動中英文詞義: (中文詞義)放下,放下。我自由了 (放下) 走出困厄的宮殿 我是一位女王 放下內心的沉重,勇往直前 我可以走到世界的盡頭 我只能 默默忍受 我的靈魂受禁錮的苦 (副歌)放 下、放下,這不是冬天的結束 現在,你已遠去,我還能發現更多美好 哭泣也沒關係,因為真相如此美麗,你明白嗎?世界真的如此美好 放 下 (副歌)放 下,放下。再冷也不怕,春天總會來。你走了,我現在才知道世界如此美好 哭泣也沒關係,因為真相如此美麗,你明白嗎?世界真的如此美好 放 下 (副歌)放 下,放開所有的包袱。在凍的懷抱中,我還能找到什麽? 現在的我自由了,我可以放下了 (副歌)放 下、放下。不再畏懼新的世界將呈現在我面前 我自由了! (副歌)現在 我站在這裡 自由自在 我像一隻自由的鳥兒 在新世界前翱翔 我自由了!讓我隨風飄去 (副歌)讓它消逝吧,隨風飄去吧 放開,一切就這樣吧 (副歌)現在 我可以終於做我自己了!我自由了! 我可以開始新的生活了!我自由了! 放開吧!放開吧!放開一切!放開吧!放開一切!現在就放開