著名鄉村音樂人。作為一個不在意是否成為明星的人,Blake Shelton 在過去的幾年中確實闖出了名頭。他的第一張專輯就令人吃驚的獲得了諸如排行榜、鄉村周報、音樂排行榜雜誌、新進冠軍單曲、音樂錄影帶榜首以及一個金唱片這樣的榮譽。但是對於Blake Shelton,這都只是快樂的一部分,製作鄉村音樂才是他的目標。真正捧紅Blake Shelton是“美國之聲”,雖然已是鄉村樂老將,但只有自從這項選秀節目開播以來,才真正體會到做大明星的感覺。單曲一發即成金曲,這就是上鏡率的功效。難怪都爭著上頭條,難怪都搶著上電視,不管是露臉還是露別的地方,確實有立竿見影之效。當然,單純的上鏡最多成為八卦的一份子,唱歌的歌星還是需真功夫,謝爾頓的功力無可置疑,鄉村樂老將,選秀節目導師,他的品位和能力,他的新專《Based On A True Story》完全展示。鄉村樂是美國人的搖籃曲,這種情懷從父輩就已根深蒂固,所以唱鄉村最易,這是成名的捷徑,在這條小路上已經堵得水泄不通,道上熟人多多,泰勒·斯威夫特、凱瑞·安德伍德但終究,傳統的音樂還得老將們來唱才夠味道。早年時光Blake Shelton著名鄉村男歌手。1976年6月18日出生在美國Oklahoma州的Ada。他的父親,Richard,是一名舊車商人,母親Dorothy,經營著一家畫廊。同時,Blake還有一個哥哥,一個姐姐。很小的時候,年幼的Blake便鍾情於唱歌。12歲,Blake在哥哥的影響下開始學習彈奏吉他。而兩年後,一場交通意外(1990.11.12),讓14歲的小Blake永遠失去了他心中的英雄,年僅24歲的哥哥Richie。15歲那年,Blake寫出了他的第一支歌。16歲,Blake獲得了家鄉奧克拉荷馬州年輕新秀Denbo Diamond Award。17歲的時候,高中畢業的Blake搬到了Tennessee州的音樂之鄉Nashville,尋求自己的音樂之路。演藝生涯以16歲之齡就獲得家鄉奧克拉荷馬州年輕新秀Denbo Diamond Award殊榮的Blake Shelton,2001年的首張專輯《Blake Shelton》中的Austin硬是在Billboard鄉村單曲蟬聯5周冠軍。2001年,這首歌連續占據排行榜冠軍5周的記錄。緊接著,他推出讓人心碎的All Over Me.2002年初,他推出精彩的、令人震撼的一首關於一隻叫Olred的緝毒狗的歌曲。這首歌的音樂錄影帶迅速占據了排行榜首位,並使Blake Shelton的CD賣出黃金銷量。緊接著的一張精選集比上一張更加不容置疑的好。除了確定了Blake Shelton發現好歌的天才,THE DREAMER 更展現了一個歌者的令人痴迷的深度和成熟度。兩年的演唱經驗將他由一個給人留下深刻印象的、在鄉村酒吧演奏鋼琴的男歌手磨礪成一件外形美麗而充滿感性的精緻樂器。在THE DREAMER專輯中,他在The Baby 中聲音低啞而深情的表演讓人感動,已經進入最受歡迎的前10名歌曲。在這張專輯的其它曲目中,Shelton 展現了多方面的才能,從快樂的鄉村搖滾歌曲Playboys of the Southwestern World到歡快的鄉村酒吧音樂Georgia in a Jug.他在My Neck of the Woods中展現了藍領的汗水;在Someday中展現了他的敏感思考;在In My Heaven中展現了歡樂的白日夢。 從Asphalt Cowboy 和Heavy Liftin 中的一個工人的驕傲,到Daydreamer和Underneath the Same Moon 中的胸懷廣闊的敘事歌曲,展現出了一個世界一流的鄉村歌手。
說明:2011年,Blake加入NBC新出真人秀節目the Voice,與Adam Levine,Christina Aguilera及Cee-Lo Green搭檔,成為評審兼導師之一。該節目致力於發現全美新的好聲音。the Voice第一季,Team Blake的Dia Frampton獲得本季亞軍。the Voice第二季,Team Blake的Jermaine Paul獲得本季冠軍。Blake成為冠軍導師。the Voice第三季,Team Blake的Cassadee Pope獲得本季冠軍。Blake完成兩連冠。the Voice第四季,Team Blake的Danielle Bradbery獲得本季冠軍。Blake完成三連冠。the Voice第五季,Team Blake的Cole Vosbury止步5進3。Team Blake無人進入決賽。the Voice第六季,Team Blake的Jake Worthington獲得本季亞軍。the Voice第七季,Team Blake的Craig Wayne Boyd獲得本季冠軍。Blake拿到第四冠。
2003年11月17日,Blake與他的高中女友Kaynette Gern結束愛情長跑,步入婚姻殿堂。但是很可惜的是,他們的這段婚姻在2006年走到了盡頭。雖然總有好事者拿這段婚姻說事,但是Blake及其前妻在之後都沒有再提起。Blake只是說,這對他來說是很困難艱難的決定。目前,前妻定居在德州,是名老師,也組建了新的家庭。2005年,Blake和同樣是鄉村歌手的Miranda Lambert相識在CMTs 100 Greatest Duets Concert上,並且合唱了這首Youre The Reason God Made Oklahoma Blake和Miranda的正式錄音室版本合唱收錄於Blake 08年的專輯《Startin Fires》中,歌曲名為 “Bare Skin Rug”。而在此之前,Blake 07年專輯《PureBS》中的翻唱Michael Bublé的經典曲目Home(鄉村榜冠軍單曲)的女聲和聲就是Miranda(Ran同時在這單的MV中出鏡)。2010年5月9日,在4年的戀愛之後,Blake向Ran的父親提出請求,得到允許之後,Blake向Ran求婚。求婚成功後兩人就屁顛屁顛的去打獵了...婚禮現場2011年5月14日,Blake和Miranda在Texas舉行了婚禮。他們的婚禮邀請到了很多名人/朋友,如:Reba McEntire, Cee Lo Green, Martina McBride, Kelly Clarkson, Dierks Bentley, Charles Kelley, the Bellamy Brothers 等等。在這場婚禮中,Shelton夫婦合跳的第一支舞的背景音樂是 Neal Mccoy的 No Doubt About It。婚禮之後,Blake用他一貫的幽默向大家宣布:I wanted to be married to Miranda the day I proposed. Finally, its official!名氣越來越大的Shelton夫婦並沒有把家安定在大都市,連Blake在LA錄製the Voice時住的房子都只是租的。他們把家定居在Oklahoma的一個不知名的小鎮Tishomingo中。2012年1月17日,Blake 71歲的父親在Oklahoma去世。大Blake 10歲的哥哥,Richie,在1990年,也就是Blake14歲的時候,因為一場車禍意外離開人世。這對Blake來說是非常大的打擊,因為在年幼的Blake心中,哥哥是個超級英雄般的人物,是他的行為榜樣人生引導。後來,Blake和妻子Miranda為紀念去世的哥哥合寫了一首歌曲“over you”。Blake原本打算自己演唱,但是因為害怕自己由於太過悲傷無法在舞台上完成,所以便交給了Miranda演唱。這首歌便收錄到Miranda的專輯《Four the Record》中。2012年,over you獲得了CMA的Song of the Year。2013年的ACM頒獎典禮中,這首歌同時獲得了Single Record以及Song of the Year的榮譽。註:在2012年的CMAs,over you獲得年度歌曲時,Blake說了這樣一段over you獲得CMA年度歌曲話:“當我14歲的時候,我的哥哥因為一場車禍意外去世。在這之後不久,我決定成為一名鄉村歌手,我的父親總是對我說 ‘孩子,你應該寫一首關於你哥哥的歌”。2012年1月,我的父親也離我而去,很神奇的是,即使他已經不在了,卻也依然能證明這句話的正確性。是的,我只需要一個對的人來與我共同書寫這支歌,以及一個對的人去演繹它。我愛你,Miranda。“2015年7月19日美國鄉村歌手Blake Shelton與妻子Miranda Lambert共同發布聲明,結束4年的婚姻
Year | Association | Category | Result | 2003 | CMA Awards | Horizon Award | Nominated |
Vocal Event of the Year– The Truth About Men(with Tracy Byrd, Andy Griggs and Montgomery Gentry) | Nominated |
2010 | CMT Music Awards | Collaborative Video of the Year– Hillbilly Bone(with Trace Adkins) | Won |
Country Music Association | Male Vocalist of The Year | Won |
Vocal Event of the Year– Hillbilly Bone(with Trace Adkins) | Won |
2011 | CMT Music Awards | Male Video of the Year– Who Are You When Im Not Looking | Won |
Teen Choice Awards | Choice Music: Male Country Artist | Nominated |
Choice Music: Country Single– Honey Bee | Nominated |
CMA Awards | Entertainer of the Year | Nominated |
Male Vocalist of the Year | Won |
Single of the Year– Honey Bee | Nominated |
Album of the Year–All About Tonight | Nominated |
Music Video of the Year– Honey Bee | Nominated |
American Music Awards | Favorite Country Male Artist | Won |
2012 | Peoples Choice Awards | Favorite Male Artist | Nominated |
Favorite Country Artist | Nominated |
Grammy Awards | Best Country Album–Red River Blue | Nominated |
Best Country Solo Performance– Honey Bee | Nominated |
Best Country Song– God Gave Me You | Nominated |
CMT Teddy Awards | Best Flirting Video– Honey Bee | Won |
CMT Music Awards | Video of The Year– God Gave Me You | Nominated |
Male Video of The Year– God Gave Me You | Nominated |
CMT Performance of The Year– Footloose | Nominated |
Teen Choice Awards | Male Country Artist | Nominated |
Country Song– God Gave Me You | Nominated |
Male Artist | Nominated |
CMA Awards | Entertainer of the Year | Won |
Male Vocalist of the Year | Won |
Single of the Year | Nominated |
Song of the Year | Won |
2013 | Peoples Choice Awards | Favorite Male Artist | Nominated |
Favorite Country Artist | Nominated |
Grammy Awards | Best Country Solo Performance– Over | Nominated |
Kids Choice Awards | Favorite Male Singer | Nominated |
CMT Music Awards | Male Video of the Year– Sure Be Cool If You Did | Won |
CMA Awards | Entertainer of the Year | Nominated |
Male Vocalist of the Year | Won |
Album of the Year–Based on a True Story... | Won |
Musical Event of the Year– Boys Round Here(feat.Pistol Annies) | Nominated |
Music Video of the Year– Boys Round Here(Feat. Pistol Annies) | Nominated |
American Music Awards | Favorite Country Male Artist | Nominated |
American Country Awards | Artist of the Year | Nominated |
Male Artist of the Year | Nominated |
Album of the Year–Based on a True Story... | Won |
Single by a Male Artist– Sure Be Cool If You Did | Won |
Great American Country– Music Video of the Year– Sure Be Cool If You Did | Won |
Music Video by a Male Artist– Sure Be Cool If You Did | Won |
2014 | Peoples Choice Awards | Favorite Male Artist | Nominated |
Favorite Country Artist | Nominated |
Favorite Album –Based on a True Story... | Nominated |
Grammy Awards | Best Country Album –Based on a True Story... | Nominated |
Best Country Solo Performance – Mine Would Be You | Nominated |
iHeartRadio Music Awards | Country Song of the Year – Mine Would Be You | Nominated |
Country Song of the Year– Boys Round Here(feat. Pistol Annies) | Won |
Billboard Music Awards | Top Country Artist | Nominated |
Top Country Album –Based on a True Story... | Nominated |
Top Country Song – Boys Round Here(feat. Pistol Annies) | Nominated |
CMA Awards | Entertainer of the Year | Nominated |
Male Vocalist of the Year | Won |
American Music Awards | Favorite Country Male Artist | Nominated |
Year | Category | Result | 2001 | Top New Male Vocalist | Nominated |
2002 | Top New Male Vocalist | Nominated |
2003 | Vocal Event of the Year– The Truth About Men(withTracy Byrd,Andy GriggsandMontgomery Gentry) | Nominated |
2010 | Vocal Event of the Year– Hillbilly Bone(withTrace Adkins) | Won |
2012 | Entertainer of the Year | Nominated |
Male Vocalist of The Year | Won |
2013 | Male Vocalist of The Year | Nominated |
Gene Weed Special Achievement Award | Won |
Entertainer of the Year | Nominated |
Song of the Year– Over You (writer) | Won |
2014 | Song of the Year– Mine Would Be You | Nominated |
Album of the Year–Based on a True Story... | Nominated |
Vocal Event of the Year– Boys Round Here(feat. Pistol Annies) | Nominated |
Entertainer of The Year | Nominated |
Male Vocalist of The Year | Nominated |
全部專輯錄音室專輯Blake Shelton同名專輯 2001The Dreamer 2003Blake Sheltons Barn Grill 2004Pure BS 2007StartinFires 2008Red River Blue 2011Based on a True Story... 2013Bringing Back the Sunshine 2014EPBlake Shelton : Collectors Edition 2008Hillbilly Bones 2010All About Tonight 2010精選集Blake Shelton - The Essentials 2009Loaded : The Best of Blake Shelton 2010