


RUN詳細資訊(以下內容包含:RUN演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 MV列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)


中文:跑步在英語當中run是一個經常用的單詞,run有幾種時態:一般現在時:run現在分詞:running第三人稱單數形式:runs一般過去時:ran過去分詞:run這種時態是我們英語常用的時態。例:I can run.I ran yesterday.I am going to run tomorrow.I have run since 2000.等等.....


基本釋義vt. vi.跑movefast on footvt. vi.移動 move or travel in some other wayvt. vi.(使)流動 (cause to) flowvt. vi.操縱; 管理 operate or be in charge ofvi.延伸,延續 continue in a particular direction or staten. 下線 l have to run now基本要點⒈run的基本意思是“跑”“移動”,指人、動物或車輛以一定速度前進或移動,引申可表示“(使)流動”,指水流、血液或眼淚比較湍急、源源不斷地在一段時間內流淌。用在日常非正式場合時,還可表示“操縱”“管理”,指使具體事物或企業按照人的意志進行或發展。引申可表示“延伸”“延續”等。⒉run主要用作不及物動詞,也可用作及物動詞。用作及物動詞時,接名詞、代詞或由that引導的從句作賓語,有時還可接雙賓語,其間接賓語可轉化成介詞to或for的賓語。可用於被動結構。run用作不及物動詞時其後可跟動詞不定式作狀語,不定式符號to有時可以省略。⒊run還可用作系動詞,意思是“用”“達到”“變得”,常接形容詞作表語。用於比賽時可接序數詞,表示“跑第幾名”。⒋run的現在進行時可表示按計畫或安排、打算將要發生的動作,此時句中一般有表明將來的時間狀語或特定的上下文。⒌run的過去式是ran,過去分詞是run。詞語搭配~+名詞run a hotel經營一家旅館run a factory經營一家工廠run all the way一路跑run blockade衝破封鎖run business經商run company經營公司run counter to違反,與…背道而馳run errands供差遣run extra train增開加班列車run grocery shop經營雜貨店run horse策馬run machine操縱機器run projector開放映機run race賽跑run risk冒險run sbs life主宰某人的生活run school管理學校run water放水~+形容詞run dry變乾run free隨便亂跑run low不夠了run short缺乏run smooth進展順利run wild無人管~+副詞run blindly盲目地經營run easily容易管理run efficiently有效地管理run eventually最後達到run frantically狂亂地跑run infallibly必然地逃走run noiselessly悄悄地跑run obediently馴服地操作run rapidly快速地跑run readily準備跑run regularly整齊地跑run safely安全地跑run serially連續地跑run slowly緩慢地跑run smoothly平穩地移動run speedily快速地移動run successfully成功地經營run swiftly迅速地移動run about跑來跑去run along 跑開,走掉run around 到處亂跑,合得來,關係密切run away 跑掉,逃跑run back跑回run down流下來,疲憊不堪run in快速進入run off走開run on滔滔不絕往下說run out用完,滿期,告終~+副詞+介詞run away from sth 擺脫某事run away with不受…約束run down to 延伸至,伸展到run out on sb 拋棄某人run up迅速上升run up against達到,遇到,和…衝突run up to達到,向…跑去~+介詞run across穿過,碰到run after追逐…run after a bus追趕公共汽車run against反對run ones head against the wall把頭往牆上撞run at 沖向,撲向run between在…之間定期往返run between the two cities往來於兩城之間run down很快跑下,傾瀉run down the stairs跑下樓梯run for 競選,跑去找run for Congress 參加國會議員競選run for dear life拚命跑run for office 競選公職run for the President競選總統run from從…伸展run from the field of battle臨陣脫逃run in the 3000 metres參加三千米賽跑run into偶然碰見,撞見,碰到,跑進,陷入,撞run into an old friend 偶遇老朋友run into danger遇到危險run into trouble碰上麻煩run on涉及run on a problem涉及某問題run over瀏覽,匆匆複習,略述,溢出run round the house圍著房子跑run through 花光,穿過,浸透,略談,瀏覽,勾銷run through the mountain穿山而過run to 伸展到,跑到…,累積,尋求…的幫助run short,run short of這兩個短語都是“快用完”的意思。前者相當於不及物動詞,主語一般為物,以主動形式表示被動意義; 後者相當於及物動詞,其主語為人或部門,of後接表示時間或錢、物的名詞。例如:The flour is running short.麵粉快用完了。We have run short of flour.我們的麵粉快用完了。run away,escape,flee,fly這組詞(組)都有“跑開”“逃跑”“逃亡”的意思。其區別在於:escape多表示逃跑後的結果(如未被捕獲,並不指逃跑的動作); flee表示逃跑的行為本身,常含有“懼怕”的意味。例如:Many people fled the burning hotel.許多人逃離了著火的旅館。There was evidence that the burglars had been frightened and had fled.有證據說竊賊是受驚之後倉皇逃走的。fly強調“逃跑”的倉促性,通常帶有緊急意味。例如:Why did the sportsman fly his country?為什麼那個運動員叛逃到國外去呢?run away多用於口語,指不讓人知道,有時含有“不辭而別”的意味。例如:He ran away twice from his boarding school.他兩次從寄宿學校出走。run,flow,pour,stream這組詞的共同意思是“流”“流動”。其區別是:⒈flow,run,stream和pour都可指液體流動; flow還可指氣體流動; pour還可指光線、微粒等傾瀉。⒉時間上:flow一般指源源不斷地、長時間地流動; run既可以是源源不斷地、長時間地流動,也可以是流動一段時間; stream和pour多指短時間地流動。⒊方向上:指液體流動時,flow是水平流動; run和stream既可水平流動,也可垂直流動; pour是垂直流動。⒋流速上:從快到慢依次為pour,stream,run,flow。具體說就是flow是平平穩穩地流動; run比較湍急; stream比run更有力; pour則是“傾瀉”。⒌flow,stream和pour常用於比喻,run很少用於比喻。例如:The river was flowing quietly.河水靜靜流著。She let her hair down so that it flew darkly over her shoulders.她讓烏黑的頭髮披散下來,飄垂到肩上。The river runs through hills and fields.河水流經山岡和田野。The water runs out of the pipe into the bucket.水自管內注入水桶中。Tears were streaming down her face.她臉上熱淚滾滾而下。The students streamed into the auditorium.學生們絡繹不絕地進入禮堂。?下面三句話的意思相同:She poured me a cup of tea.She poured a cup of tea for me.She poured me out a cup of tea.她給我倒了一杯茶。race,gallop,run這組詞的意思都是“跑”。其區別是:race指與他人比較走得快慢,強調速度上的比賽; gallop多指馬全速奔跑,也可指人飛快地跑; run指以一定的速度跑。例如:Ill race you to the end of the road.我和你比賽,看誰先跑到這路的盡頭。Dont bother galloping after the bus,youll never catch it.別費勁去追趕那輛公共汽車了,你怎么也趕不上的。I used to run when I was in middle school.我在中學的時候常常跑步。?run,manage,operate三者都表示“經營”“管理”。它們的區別是:⒈operate含所有人與代理人共同經營的意思。⒉manage指對經營的工廠、商店等全面的監督,包括處理問題和日常事務,但不一定擁有所有權。例如:She managed the shop while the owner was away.店主出門去的時候,她照管商店。She manages the money very well.她理財有方。⒊run指使經營管理的工廠、企業等運轉起來,多為自籌資金,擁有所有權。例如:Mr. Smith runs a grocery shop.史密斯先生經營一家雜貨店。They ran the nurseries extremely well.他們把託兒所辦得很好。?下面兩句意思相同:Her face was running down with tears.Tears were running down her face.她淚流滿面。下面各組中的兩個句子意思不同:The policeman is running after him.警察正在追趕他。The policeman is running behind him.警察在他後面跑。She ran to me with a knife.她拿著一把刀子向我跑來。She ran at me with a knife.她拿著一把刀子向我襲來。The farmer ran up a house.那農夫爬上房。The farmer ran a house up.那個農夫匆匆建起一棟房子。The poor woman ran home.那可憐的女人跑回家。The poor woman ran a home.那個可憐的女人照管一個家。作管理解run作“管理”解時是非正式用語,正式場合應該用operate或manage。


基本釋義C跑,奔跑 act or period of running on footU C旅行,旅程 instance or period of travelling by car,train,etc.C行駛路線 route taken by vehicles,ships,etc.C持續的演出,一連串事件 series of performances,a continuous set of similar eventsC時期,一段時間 period or succession; spellU C趨勢,趨向 tendency or trend of sth詞語要點run用作名詞意思是“跑,奔跑”,也可指“旅行,運行期間”,主要強調運行或旅行的路程,也可指“行駛路線”。run還可指“持續的演出”“時期,一段時間”。引申可指“趨向,趨勢”“兜風”“購物潮”“得分”等。詞語搭配動詞+~cover run走完航程finish run結束航程score a run得了一分形容詞+~average run普通人brief run暫時暢銷common run普通人considerable run銷路很好extra run增開一班次good run暢銷hurried run匆匆跑last run最後一班long run長期演出non-stop run直達航線名詞+~railroad run火車路程介詞+~after a run of一連串的…at a run跑步by the run猛然,馬上during a run of在…時間內for a run跑步off run不再航行on run在航線上on the run逃跑,奔波out of the run不尋常的事to a run跑起來with a run突然下降~+介詞run between往返於…之間run by只需run from離開…的航行中run of跑了run of office任期run of wet weather陰雨連綿run on the bank銀行發生擠兌run to去…旅行常用短語at a run跑 runningHe started off at a run but soon tired and slowed to at walk.他跑步出發,但很快就累得慢下來成了步行。She left the house at a run.她跑著離開房子。by〔with〕a/the run迅速下降 declining quicklyPrice came down by the run.物價一落千丈。The temperature came down with a run.氣溫突然下降。get〔have〕the run of得到準許充分使用… get permission to make full use of sthHe has the run of the house.他獲準使用那棟房子。I have the run of his extensive library.我有使用他藏書豐富的圖書館的自由。She gets the run of the car.她獲準使用那輛汽車。give the run of準許(某人)充分使用… give (sb) the permission to make full use of sth▲give sb the run of sthHes given our children the run of his garden.他讓我們的孩子隨便進出他的花園。in the long run從長遠來看,終究 ultimately; eventuallyIn the long run prices are bound to rise.從長遠看,物價肯定要漲。Itll be cheaper in the long run to use genuine leather because it will last longer.使用真皮製品從長遠的觀點來看還是相對便宜的,因為真皮製品比較經久耐用。Sure,you can profit from criticism in the long and painful run.當然,接受批評是痛苦的,但終究會對你有好處。It will be much cheaper in the long run to buy a car.到頭來買一輛汽車將會更加便宜了。in the short run從短期來看,在短期內,不久 for the near futureOf course plastics cheaper than leather in the short run,but it wont last as long.從短期來看,塑膠製品當然比皮製品便宜,但塑膠製品比不上皮製品經久耐用。The TV set will be much cheaper in the short run,I suppose.我想,要不了多久電視機就更加便宜了。on the run⒈忙碌,奔波 continuously active and moving aboutMy poor father is on the run from morning till night.我那可憐的爸爸整日奔波,從早忙到晚。⒉奔逃,逃跑 fleeing from pursuit or captureHes on the run from the police.他正在逃避警方的緝捕。The escaped murderer has been on the run for three weeks.殺人犯已經在逃三個星期了,還沒有抓到。We have got the enemy on the run now.漏網的敵人已被我們抓住。run for ones money⒈較量,競爭,對抗 competition or oppositionThey may win the game,but well give them a good run for their money.他們即使能贏得這場比賽,我們也不會讓他們輕易取勝。⒉滿足 reward,interest,enjoyment,etc.,especially in return for effortI feel Ive had an excellent run for my money and now Im happy to retire.我對我一生的事業十分滿意,已退休甚為欣慰。He lived to be 92,so I think he had a good run for his money.他活到92歲,我想他該滿足了。同義詞v.escape,flee,catch,hunt,seize,collide,crash,encounter,meet,exhaust,incurn.dash,rash,sprint,sequence,series詞源;中古英語rinnen,rennen;古挪威語rinna(跟,跑,使跑)


1. run into sb./someone=meet someone by chance偶遇Guess who I ran into today? Our old school friend Nancy! Small world,isn’t it?猜猜我今天碰到誰了?我們的老同學Nancy!世界可真小啊!2. run it to earth: 原意“趕進洞裡”,指搜查,追查比喻刨根問底或追本溯源,與漢語俗語“打破沙鍋問到底”相似。出自英國的狩獵故事。The book was out of print,but I eventually ran it to earth at a secondhand bookshop.那本書已經絕版,但我終於在一家舊書店淘到了它。3. go to earth/ground: 指人為了躲避外界的糾纏而隱藏起來The film star eventually went to earth in a small,out-of-the-waycottage.這位電影明星最後跑到一個荒避的小村舍躲了起來。4. run of the true love: 真愛之路指真正的愛情道路並不平坦,用於比喻好事多磨或苦盡甘來,與“有情人終成眷屬”相似。Have you ever heard run of the true love? You’ve got to get out of your blue funk first and try to see her again.你有沒有聽說過真正的愛情道路不平坦這句話?你首先得振作起來,然後再設法去見她。 window.rsInsertData = window || ; var rsdataList = {"foot":,"top":}; if ( || rsdataList.foot) { rsInsertData.push(); }


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