


Silverstein詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Silverstein演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)


銀色啤酒杯此樂隊兩千年的時候成立在Burlington, Ontario,實際上就在TORONTO的近郊一個小地方,PLAY很鮮明的EMO/HARDCORE風格。後來他們經朋友的介紹和VICTORY RECORDS簽了約,在簽約後不久,就出了第一張專集WHEN BROKEN IS EASILY FIXED,瞬間在全球銷量超過200,000張。並給SILVERSTEIN贏得了在Alternative Press 100 Bands You Need To Know in the spring of 2005中的一席之地~之後SIVERSTEIN就開始了很長很長的巡演,(與HH,FALL OUT BOYS這樣的樂隊一起)並培養了很多鐵桿樂迷,很多他們的FANS用一種他們的機器人文身來表達對他們的支持(偶個人理解就是第一張專集封面上的那個...)  而且,在巡演的過程中,他們並沒有發起繼續寫歌.他們後來在CA遇到了後來的PRODUCER,Cameron Webb,他可以說是他們第二張專集創作過程中靈魂似的人物,(很有名的PRODUCER,BEN FOLDS FIVE的製作人~)在WEBB的監督下,他們在CA呆了很長一段時間,去完成第二張專集的寫作和RECORDING, I was completely alone when I did most of the vocal tracks and I think the focus I was able to achieve was really importantTOLD回憶他們的寫作過程時候說道.在第二張專集的錄製過程中,整個樂隊都相當努力.且當時有個叫Martin Wittfooth 的傢伙為他們畫畫,把他們的創作概念轉化成鋒利的可見的東西~再接下來,就是單曲,SMILE IN UR SLEEP的出現,想當然啦,自然引起很大反響.再來,就是被更多人所熟悉的專集DICOVERING THE WATERFRONT


2003 - When Broken Is Easily Fixed專輯歌曲:When broken is easily fixed(1張)1. Smashed Into Pieces2. Red Light Pledge3. Giving Up4. November5. Last Days Of Summer6. Bleeds No More7. Hear Me Out8. The Weak And The Wounded9. Wish I Could Forget You10.When broken is easily fixed2006 - Discovering the Waterfront Discovering the Waterfront(1張)專輯歌曲:1. Your Sword Vs My Dagger2. Smile In Your Sleep3. Ides of March4. Fist Wrapped In Blood5. Discovering The Waterfront6. Defend You7. My Heroine8. Always And Never9. Already Dead10.Three Hour Back11.Call It Karma12.Rodeo Clown2009 - A Shipwreck In The Sand A Shipwreck In The Sand(1張)專輯歌曲:1.A Great Fire2.Vices (Feat. Liam Cormier)3.Broken Stars4.American Dream5.Their Lips Sink Ships6.I Knew I Couldnt Trust You7.Born Dead (Feat. Scott Wade)8.A Shipwreck In The Sand9.I Am The Arsonist10.Youre All I Have11.We Are Not The World12.A Hero Loses Everyday13.The Tide Raises Every Ship14.The End (Feat. Lights)2010 - Transitions專輯歌曲:Transitions 1.Sacrifice2.Darling Harbour3.Dancing On My Grave4.Replace You (Acoustic)5.Wish (Nine Inch Nails Cover)2010-Rescue (Deluxe Edition)專輯歌曲:1.Medication2.Sacrifice3.Forget Your Heart4.Intervention5.Good Luck With Your Lives6.Texas Mickey7.The Artist8.Burning Hearts9.Darling Harbour10.Live to Kill11.Replace You12.In Memory Of...13.Burning Hearts (Acoustic)14.Texas Mickey (Demo Version)15.Intervention (Demo Version)16.In Memory Of... (Demo Version)17.Dancing On My Grave18.Replace You (Acoustic)19.Forget Your Heart (Piano Version)20.F*ck the Border (Bonus Track)


TOLD自己對DICOVERING THE WATERFRONT的解釋:We wanted the art to tell the story of someone struggling to decide which direction to take his life in, staying in a place that is known, depicted as the dark city in the background, or he can go into the water, where his fate is unknown. The water in the painting seems to go into oblivion, its metaphoric for fear of change. The protagonist in the paintings finds a message in a bottle, and it allows him to take the chance to end up in a better place,


  • 2009-04-18歌曲:Apologize金屬版(金屬味再濃烈點就贊了)


  • 2010年推出專輯:《Decade》
  • 2009年推出專輯:《A Shipwreck In The S》