


Spade詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Spade演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)


spadespade /speɪd/ DJ /sped/ KK名詞:1.梅花club 黑桃spade 紅桃heart方塊diamond . 二police類名詞作主語用複數.2.鐵鍬 鏟子nouna garden tool with a broad metal blade and a long handle, used for digging 鍬;鏟 countableTurn the soil over with a spade. 用鍬把地翻一遍。The children took their buckets and spades to the beach. 孩子們帶上自己的桶和鏟子到海灘去了。one of the four sets of cards (called suits) in a pack/deck of cards. The cards have a black design shaped like pointed leaves with short stems. (紙牌中的)黑桃 plural uncountablethe five/queen/ace of spades 黑桃五╱王后╱ AAlternate:spadesa card from the set of spades 黑桃牌 countableYou must play a spade if you have one. 你如果有黑桃牌,就必須打出來。Idiom:in spades informalin large amounts or to a great degree 大量;非常He'd got his revenge now, and in spades. 現在他報了仇,毫不留情地報了仇。Spade: 黑桃,為撲克牌的四種花色(黑桃、紅桃、方塊、草花)之一,一副撲克牌中有十三張,一說是這四種花色代表當時社會的四種主要行業,其中黑桃代表長矛,象徵軍人;另一說是這四種花色來源於歐洲古代占卜所用器物的圖樣,其中黑桃代表橄欖葉,象徵和平。