


minipop詳細資訊(以下內容包含:minipop演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)




Tricia Kanne - vocalsLauren Grubb - drumsMatthew Swanson - guitars/keyboardsNick Forte- bass


《a new hope》《a new hope》

專輯類型Indie Pop, Dream-pop
曲目:1. Fingerprints2. Like I Do3. Generator4. New Hope5. Precious6. Ask Me A Question7. Butterflies8. Someone to Love9. My Little Bee10. Untitled《Automatic love》
專輯名稱《Automatic love》
曲目:1. Automatic love2. Monsters3. Hey you (come on)4. Into the night5. Stars


美國各界對MInipop音樂的評價:Dream-pop shabby chic at its most lush - SpinCan pop music be made any more perfectly than this?”------- San Francisco Bay GaurdianMinipop makes it work with savvy pop songwriting and onstage confidence ,(many a purveyor of this kind of music comes off precious), and on A New HopeMinipops dream-pop sounds as fresh as ever thanks to the production work of Chris Manning(once a member of Jellyfish).----- A Times / Buzz Bands / Kevin BronsonFrom dream pop to couch cozy alt. rock, San Franciscos Minipop delivers a supercharged debut on A New Hope ------- Yahoo MusicLike I Do” is a pop treat that finds its way into your head and stays there. Kanne’s fragilevocals mixed with hooky guitar riffs and electronic ambiance have constructed an impressive popsong that tastes as good as biting into a fresh poppy seed muffin. ----- Filter-magProof positive that San Franciscos indie scene is as strong as ever is the up-and-coming Minipop.The five-piece band represent five distinct personalities blended together in a perfect chemistry.The result is as an eclectic band who delivers a soothing dose of sight and sound.------ Larry Trujillo – Zero MagazineThis local indie-pop act have a corner on the cute-core market, making music that recalls theCardigans effortless pop perfection. From Tricia Keanes delicate vocals to the bands taste inkeyboard-laden arrangements, Minipop have a way of making an audience say Awwww. Itsno wonder, then, that S.F. tastemaker and Live105 music director Aaron Axelson has namedtheir lush single Like I Do as one of his favorite records featured on his Sunday-nightSoundcheck program -------TYLER MCCAULEY Noise Pop


二期圖片(6張)這支來自美國加州的4人樂隊在聖誕節前發行了首張大碟,據說銷量賣得還不錯。今天仔細聽了聽,還頗有極地雙子星的遺風,依舊是依靠音速處理音樂質地來表達悅耳的音調。在這一點上,樂隊做得很成功。主要是歸結於女主唱Kanne的嗓音,她的聲音有點像在充滿迷霧的Avalon小島上女妖的歌聲,迷人又模糊不已,非常有媚惑力。專輯中10首歌在編排上清新簡單又自然,和女主唱的聲音融合在一起,營造出一種低調、唯美、夢幻、飄渺的音樂意境。這正好體現出夢幻流行流派的特點:有如天音般的歌聲配以隨之漂移的吉它或是合成器所營造的氛圍音場,人聲部分往往縹緲迷離,歌詞部分也通常具有唯美、空靈的詩意色彩。 組合Minipop(9張)這是一張整體上聽起來不會覺得乏味,但是聽太多了又會有些厭倦的專輯,就像一杯放了太多糖的咖啡一樣。為什麼了?畢竟他們和極地雙子星比起來音樂中還缺少一種強烈的死亡浪漫,極地雙子星音樂里流露出來的那種悲痛哀怨的本質是Minipop所無法照搬的。這也注定了Minipop這張處女作在音樂上內涵不夠深,同時在配器方面缺少應有的變化也是他們的短處。不過還好這只是他們的第一張專輯,今後他們的路還長,還有機會去完善自身的不足。


  • 2010年推出專輯:《Automatic Love (EP)》
  • 2007年推出專輯:《A New Hope》