Sierra Swan個人資料介紹_個人檔案(生日/星座/歌曲/專輯/MV作品)

Sierra Swan

Sierra Swan的個人資料

Sierra Swan詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Sierra Swan演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)
Sierra Swan生日:1978-04-05


生日:1978年4月5日Sierra Swan(20張)職務:主場 鋼琴 吉他Sierra Swan出身音樂世家,她的父親Billy swan是一位出色的吉他伴奏家,曾與多位知名樂手演出過。Sierra Swan的姐姐Planet也是一位歌手,這讓Sierra Swan從小就受到音樂的薰陶。不過小時候的Sierra Swan並不喜歡音樂,她喜歡跳舞和籃球,但是後來隨家人去拉斯維加斯看演出,使她對音樂產生了興趣,並開始在咖啡館和酒吧演出。Sierra Swan非常富有才華,她還親自參與專輯創作和幕後自作,是位不可多得的流行搖滾才女歌手


《Ladyland》是Sierra Swan的首張專輯,帶有另類搖滾氣息。Sierra Swan沙啞的嗓音唱出詭異的搖滾樂章,聲音獨特,樂曲迷離。整張專輯帶有諸多的鋼琴和管弦,十足的流行搖滾范。專輯封面看上去很哥德式,不禁讓人浮想聯翩,當你初次聽到Sierra Swan的歌喉,必會驚艷於她迷人的歌聲。時間:2006.05.23.曲目:Copper RedDont SayGet Down to It - Aimee Mann, Sierra SwanDr. LoverboyLadderLadylandTrouble IsLucky ScarShakedownJust Tell MeMother


You come from a musical family (your dad Billy Swan is a major guitarist, and your sister Planet is a singer). But your original dream was to be a... dancer or basket ball player? What pulled you back into music?sierra(7張)I think when you are surrounded by a certain kind of thing when you are young you tend to work against it. Music was always in my blood but my dad being a musician made me want to love something else so my efforts went towards sports and dance. I always new in the back of my mind that I wanted to be a performer and not until my life got a little more complicated did music present itself as my only option.Your songs have punchy dark melodies and fine lyrics. Theyre also heartrendingly honest and truthful. Has this been a release or a nightmare?I think my vibe seems to go to a darker tone because my sense of humor can be a little cynical, this is something I struggle with everyday. Not that I am negative I just sometimes loose the point of all this, this being life. So it is a release when I write because if I did not put those thoughts in my music, I probably would not be of any use in this particular dimension of reality.How have you ended up with the piano as your main instrument, rather than a guitar? Is it because you can get into rude positions while playing it?I tend to go to the piano more because it is a very sexual instrument that reveals more sides of myself, but sometimes guitar for a certain song is the only instrument I could imagine using. Piano is very comforting to me, Im never annoyed by it.You used to be in a band called Dollhead. Do you work better solo?I do work better solo, I used to fight that side a lot because I wanted to be more open minded but the bottom line is that sometimes a song does not need any other assistance and if it has too many cooks it will fall apart. So a band situation for me can be quite complicated.How do your songs get written? On a napkin in the back of a tourbus, or do you set special time aside to get your thoughts in order?I am very aware when it is time to write. This particular moment happens either once a month, once a week, or once every 6 months. You will never find me forcing a song out. It would probably be very hard for me to be like a songwriter in Nashville. They have songwriting sessions everyday. I would be of no use there:) but when the mood strikes me its on. I dont necessarily write lyrics first or the music. It mostly comes all at once and I dont know what really happened until I step back for a couple days and then playback what I came up with. There have been moments where I wrote something and then applied it to some music I am playing around with and sometimes they go together but only sometimes. In general it comes all at once and usually right after something pretty significant has occurred.Did it work for you, working with Linda Perry (songwriter and producer for people like Xtina and Pink)? Did she get you?At the time absolutely. I was feeling really little at that time. I had been dropped for the second time, my mom had just died, I just did not know where I was going. Linda picked me up and gave me a lot of spiritual nourishment at that time and I am forever grateful for that. Linda is a real fighter and I just love her. So at that time yes I needed someone like Linda to remind me who I was and she got me 100 percent. These days we are simply just friends, instead of musical partners and thats all I need from her these days but at the time she got it.Youve collaborated with Aimee Mann. The collaboration paid off; the songs great. Who else would you like to collaborate with?We collaborated on Get Down to It and that was an awesome day in my life. I look up to Aimee and for her to agree to write with me gave me a lot of confidence. I would love to collaborate with Grant Lee Phillips, Prince and Mark Bolan, if he was still alive :)Why is your debut album called Ladyland?I called it Ladyland because that is one of the songs I feel embodies who I am in a nutshell also that is what my life feels like from morning to evening. I am not saying fairies are circling around me wherever I go but I experience everything in a very cinematic way. If I did not I would be very bored all the time.For the video of Copper Red you pose as a topless art model. Youre not shy of your body - are you more protective of yourself on the inside?Good question, and the answer is yes. My friends give me a lot of shit about that but I am not going to be vulnerable in that way for somebody elses entertainment. If I turn inside out it is in front of people I trust or I am deeply in love with some guy and I loose all self respect... it happens.It seems like youve got a turbulent inner life, from your songs. Sexy, self-defeating, cynical, fury incarnate... are they all you?Yes, all those adjectives are true. Like most people there are many different kinds of games being played within me. The most popular one is boxing at the moment. It is me against the better version of me... Im winning :)Some music magazines have, weirdly, described you as lesbian rock - weirdly, because your lyrics are clearly all about the boys. To set the record straight, what do you look for in a man? Do you analyse a man when you meet him, or just go for it?I look for pieces of myself I am avoiding or missing. I have dated different kinds of men and I have made my verdict now. I just want someone who accepts me for who I am. I will change when I am ready and as soon as I meet the guy that says hey its cool I get it I will change the very next morning because it is a very hard thing to meet someone that loves you unconditionally. The last person that loved me like that was my mother so a huge piece of myself is missing and I welcome any man who can fill it the right way not their way. I dont usually analyze a man, I either like you or I dont... its that simple, so when I fall, I fall hard.If youd got an easier ride in life do you think youd still have been a musician?Maybe, but not a good one. When things come easy you dont fight for yourself as much and you skip a lot of steps.What are you working on now? Touring? Recording? Hows it going?I am looking for distribution for my next release. The album is called Queen of the Valley I did this record before Ladyland so its a prequel album I guess you could say. It is a very different record...its something you will want to dance to instead of wallow in, I need to release something like this now because it is another side of me and after people hear it whatever corner they were trying to put me in will be opened up. I am already working on the 3rd record which will be called Girl Who Cried Wolf it will be a perfect mixture between the two other albums.Is there anything we should have asked you but were too damn selfish to realise?Not at all, those were great questions. I feel like I just went to a therapy session, THANX!