DJ Bobo個人資料介紹_個人檔案(生日/星座/歌曲/專輯/MV作品)

DJ Bobo

DJ Bobo的個人資料

DJ Bobo詳細資訊(以下內容包含:DJ Bobo演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 MV列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)
DJ Bobo生日:1968-01-05


Though he began his career spinning records, DJ Bobo became popular in his native Switzerland as a dance-pop vocalist, composing and producing most of his own work. His first hit as a vocalist was 1992's Somebody Dance with Me, which reached the Top Ten in several European countries. The album Dance with Me continued his success, and the singer gained fame by touring Latin America and Asia as well as Europe. Though he hasn't achieved much success in North America, DJ Bobo has released several albums in the U.S.


儘管DJ Bobo曾於1988年贏得德國“年度最佳DJ大獎”,但他卻是在成為流行舞曲歌手,並親自擔綱個人專輯的作曲、編曲與製作之後,才逐漸在家鄉--瑞士走紅。92年底發表的“Somebody Dance With Me”是他揚名歐洲大陸的首支單曲,當時此曲不僅名列瑞士榜冠軍、進占歐洲數國的排行前十名,稍後推出的《Dance With Me》專輯,更是令他的知名度迅速拓展至拉丁美洲與亞、澳地區。隨後,他陸續以“Keep On Dancing”…等金單曲叱吒歐洲與拉丁美洲樂壇,期間還數度榮膺世界音樂獎“瑞士最暢銷歌手”的頭銜,說他是瑞士樂壇的天王巨星實不為過。

DJ Bobo歷年演唱過的歌曲

  • 2004-07-16歌曲:I Believe (Pop Version)
  • 2004-07-16歌曲:I Believe
  • 2004-07-16歌曲:Rock My World
  • 2004-07-16歌曲:Do You Remember
  • 2004-07-16歌曲:One Vision One World
  • 2004-07-16歌曲:Chihuahua
  • 2004-07-16歌曲:Discovery
  • 2004-07-16歌曲:Visions
  • 2004-07-16歌曲:Like A Bird
  • 2004-07-16歌曲:I m Living A Dream
  • 2004-07-16歌曲:Music Is My Passion
  • 2009-02-22歌曲:ABC

DJ Bobo歷年專輯

  • 2006年推出專輯:《Visions (Ltd Ed)》