


粉紅火烈鳥詳細資訊(以下內容包含:粉紅火烈鳥演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 MV列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)


中文名稱:粉紅火烈鳥演職員表:Divine - Divine / Babs Johnson(1945.10.19 - 1988.03.07)Mary Vivian Pearce - CottonDavid Lochary - Raymond MarbleMink Stole - Connie MarbleDanny Mills - CrackersEdith Massey - EdieChanning Wilroy - ChanningCookie Mueller - CookiePaul Swift - The Egg Man


一、《粉紅火烈鳥》的劇情電影圍繞“The Filthiest Person Alive”(世上最噁心的人)展開。一開始,Divine上了報紙頭條,作為這個偉大的稱呼擁有者。由於名氣太大,她們搬到一個移動房子裡面居住,Divine改名為Babs。他們的生活並不安寧,有一對夫妻Raymond Marble和Connie垂涎於那個頭銜,認為自己才是最噁心的人,對Divine絲毫不服氣。這兩個人又是何方神聖呢?他們有一幢別墅,生活應該還是比較殷實的:有一名司機Channing和一個秘密地下室。地下室里囚禁著他們捉來的女性。司機強暴並使她們懷孕(後來改為使用針管將自己的精液注射到女性的子宮內)。等孩子生出來了,Raymond夫婦就把孩子賣給女同性戀。夫婦兩使用美人計,僱傭Cookie勾搭Divine的兒子Crackers,找到了Divine的住處,還給她寄去了生日禮物——一條大便。Raymond夫婦還在Divin的生日Party舉辦之時報警搗亂,之後更將Divine的房車燒毀。這些激怒了Divine,她也找到了Raymond家。Divine和她兒子去到他們家,像狗似的舔了兩夫婦的床、餐桌、沙發……Divine還跟他兒子口*以紀念這神聖的一刻(母子亂倫影片中比較經典的一幕)。Divine順便釋放了關在地下室里的女性,殺死了他們的司機。正在這時,Raymond夫婦回來了,被憤怒的Divine逮住。之後,Divine聯繫媒體,現場報導對Raymond夫婦的公審。在“莊嚴而有條不紊”的裁決之後,Divine宣判了他們死刑,並親自把其槍決了。故事也就此結束。二、《粉紅火烈鳥》中的經典台詞Connie: I love you, Raymond! I love you more than anything in this whole world. I love you even more than my own filthiness... more than my hair color... Oh God, I love you more than the sound of bones breaking... the sounds of death rattle! Even... even more than my own shit... Do I love you, Raymond?Raymond: And… and I, Connie, also love you… more than anything that I could ever imagine. More than my hair color! More than the sound of babies crying of dog dying. Even more than the thought of original sin itself. Oh, I am yours, Connie, eternally united to you… through an invisible cord of finely woven filth… that even God himself could never, ever break.三、《粉紅火烈鳥》中的雞蛋戀情片中有一個滑稽的老太太Edie,坐在嬰兒床裡面,整天叫著要吃雞蛋。所以她最愛的是eggman(送雞蛋的人),最後也跟他終成眷屬。她的思緒整天只有雞蛋,由雞蛋開始懷疑母雞會不會滅絕,擔心eggman是不是失業……對於女兒的噁心和其他一概不過問。是片中最“乾淨”的人。四、本原聲專輯發布介紹本音樂專輯為《粉紅火烈鳥(Pink Flamingos)》電影原聲音樂,Link Wray, Mark Grant, The Centurions等人作曲。整個專輯聽起來十分懷舊,也頗具Camp文化的特點。喜歡電影及喜歡六七十年代搖滾的朋友不妨下來一聽。資源搜尋自電驢,這裡整理轉發。感謝原發者!五、影片令人噁心之處:地下室中第一個女子因生產而死(Alice dies giving birth),雖然並未具體描寫,也未有過激畫面。影片中,Raymond第一次在野外對著兩名女性露陰。Divine的兒子Crackers抱著一隻雞強暴了前來打探他們家的Cookies,這讓Divine的室友Cotton小姐很有性趣。當Raymond夫婦綁架了一名新的女性,在地下室,Channing當著另一名被囚禁的女性進行自瀆,讓那名聒噪的女性直接嘔吐了。這之後,Raymond夫婦互相舔腳的床戲。Divine收到的Raymond寄來的大便郵件。Divine生日Party上某位演員的“菊花”表演。由於Raymond的報警,Divine與前來維持秩序的警察發生的“血腥”衝突,雖然當時的畫面很假。Raymond又一次露陰騷擾一位女性,沒料到暴露以相應他的對方是人妖。找上門尋仇的Divine母子舔遍家具,Diving更是幫助兒子口暴。由於Divine的闖入,地下室的兩位女性得以自由,於是她們閹了Channing(並未直接描寫)。片尾,在歡快的歌聲中,Divine撿起路邊新鮮熱乎的狗糞大快朵頤,並吐舌頭展示。剪下掉的內容中,Divine三人殺了間諜Cookies,Crackers更是飲血。三、穿幫鏡頭Channing第一次進地下室抱走嬰兒的時候,地上有一個穿白色連體睡裙的女屍Alice(14:35)。Channing第二次進地下室時,Alice已經被清除(33:55)。新囚禁的女子身著紅色衣服(34:07)。當他自瀆使得另一名女子嘔吐的時候(35:20),可以看到這時候旁邊躺著的女性是那名白色連體睡裙,而非紅色。


Featuring mostly obscure late 50s/early 60s pop tracks with a bit of rockabilly, jazz, surf music and swing thrown in for good measure, there is an intoxicating mix of upbeat tunes here along with some minor key moments and abstract oddities. Songs such as La Verne Bakers Jim Dandy, Frankie Lymon The Teenagers Im Not A Juvenile Delinquent, Little Richards The Girl Cant Help It Bill Hayleys Ooh! Look-a There Aint She Pretty are the kind of infectious jazz styled 60s pop your grandmother would happily sing along to and wouldnt be out of place on The Wanderers soundtrack. Though a nice slice of well written early pop some would consider this style of music cringe-worthy and camp to the extreme, the context of the film in which they are used to bring these qualities out certainly doing these songs no justice. In all intentional purpose though, it is more then successful. Pink Champagne by The Tyrones is a notable track out of this upbeat selection, featuring some playful trumpets and a fast, walking bassline it is an immersive song with a debauched swing that is played for full effect in the film. After viewing its corresponding scene it will never be seen in the same light again.The few instrumental tracks are stellar. Moving along with a mid-tempo rockabilly stagger, Link Wray The Ray Mens The Swag is quite unlike anything else on here and is the perfect opener to both the movie and the album. Intoxica by The Centurions features some fantastic surf guitar and thunderous drums, appropriately drowning in reverb it is atmospheric and timeless. Chicken Grabber by The Nite Hawks has a slight junkyard percussion jazz feel that brings to mind the abstract musical style of Tom Waits, some chicken noises and a mans voice sample of Here chick, chick, chick, chick, chick.... constantly interweaving with some dark basslines and trumpet stabs makes a song that is as dark and sinful sounding as it is ridiculous. Other notable moments on here are Surfin Bird by The Trashmen, an obnoxious vocal over some fast surf-rock which is the bizarre soundtrack to an equally strange scene where a man sings with a gesticulating anus, and Riot In Cell Block #9 by The Robins which is a nice blues number about prison which recalls the slow burning swagger of BB King the soul of Ray Charles.The soundtrack to Pink Flamingos is one of the driving forces behind its appeal, the film itself is an acquired taste with some of the most revolting scenes ever committed to film dripping in camp cheese (director John Waters is a flamboyant homosexual and his tastes come out strong, if you are homophobic this is not for you). The music is suitably appropriate, it features some upbeat obscure late 50s/early 60s jazzy pop numbers amongst a few great instrumentals from the era of varying genre all of which take on a new, unshakably disturbing veneer after you watch the film. There are a couple of songs that are more or less filler, but the songs that stand out more then make up for it.


:1. The Swag - Link Wray2. Intoxica - The Centurians3. Jim Dandy - Lavern Baker4. Im Not A Juvenile Delinquent - Frankie Lymon/The Teenagers5. The Girl Cant Help It - Little Richard6. Ooh! Look-A There, Aint She Pretty - Bill Haley/The Comets7. Chicken Grabber - Nite Hawks8. Happy, Happy Birthday Baby - The Tune Weavers9. Pink Champagne - The Tyrones10. Surfin Bird - The Trashmen11. Riot In Cell Block #9 - The Robins12. (How Much Is) That Doggie In The Window - Patti Page


  • 2010-05-26歌曲:(How Much Is) That Doggie In The Window - Patti Pa
  • 2010-05-26歌曲:Surfin Bird - The Trashmen
  • 2010-05-26歌曲:Chicken Grabber - Nite Hawks
  • 2010-05-26歌曲:Pink Champagne - The Tyrones
  • 2010-05-26歌曲:I m Not A Juvenile Delinquent - Frankie Lymon/The
  • 2010-05-26歌曲:The Swag - Link Wray
  • 2010-05-26歌曲:Intoxica - The Centurians
  • 2010-05-26歌曲:Ooh! Look-A There, Ain t She Pretty - Bill Haley/T
  • 2010-05-26歌曲:The Girl Can t Help It - Little Richard
  • 2010-05-26歌曲:Riot In Cell Block #9 - The Robins
  • 2010-05-26歌曲:Happy, Happy Birthday Baby - The Tune Weavers
  • 2010-05-26歌曲:Jim Dandy - Lavern Baker


  • 1997年推出專輯:《粉紅火烈鳥(Pink Flamingos》