rich ritʃ
a.1. 有錢的,富有的R2. 富於...的,有很多...的F(+in)3. 貴重的;富麗的;奢華的4. (食物)營養價值高的;油膩的;味濃的5. 肥沃的,豐饒的6. (聲音)圓潤的;深沉的;(顏色)濃艷的
Without a rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar.心靈不富有,財富只是一個醜陋的乞丐。Both rich and poor have special reason to indulge.窮人和有錢人都有沉迷的特殊理由。Before, only the rich people could have stone houses.從前,只有富人才可以居住石制房屋。Rich Miller is editor of Data Center knowledge Knowledge.瑞奇米勒是《知識數據中心》的編輯。The rich father indulged his son with plenty of pocket money.那位有錢的父親縱容他的兒子,給他大量的零花錢。There are rich iron mines around the largest lake, L. Superior in the west.在最大的湖即西邊的蘇必利爾周圍有著豐富的鐵礦。Otherwise, for all their rich experience they will never be able to study theory.否則工農幹部雖有豐富經驗,卻沒有學習理論的可能。They complain that big firms in rich countries are exploiting their vulnerability.他們抱怨,富裕國家的大公司正在利用他們的弱點。For many rich families, the other part of the solution is bodyguards – lots of them.對許多富人家庭而言,另一部分應對之策是保鏢——人數眾多的保鏢。However, the primary way to improve validation controls is to provide rich feedback to users.不過,改進確認控制項的主要方法是為用戶提供豐富的反饋。Meanwhile, in India and China, the rich are racking up huge gains, in both wealth and populations.與此同時,在印度和中國,財富的規模和有錢人的數量都在大幅增長。If one could discern secret order among the spinning chaos, then…why, one could get rich…very rich.如果有人能在這鏇轉的混沌中辨別出隱秘的秩序,那么……哎呀,他就能富了……非常富。Farmers grumble about the high fuel and fertiliser prices that are helping to make the province rich.農民所抱怨的高燃料價格和高肥料價格正在幫助薩斯喀徹溫省變得富有。MOST people suppose that Chinas economic success depends on exporting cheap goods to the rich world.大多人都認為中國經濟的成功取決於把便宜的貨物出口至富裕的國家。