


Daughters詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Daughters演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)


I know a girlShe puts the color inside of my worldShes just like a mazeWhere all of the walls all continually changeIve done all I canTo stand on the steps with my heart in my handNow Im starting to seeMaybe its got nothing to do with meFathers be good to your daughtersDaughters will love like you doGirls become lovers who turn into mothersSo mothers be good to your daughters tooOh you see that skinIts the same shes been standing inSince the day she saw him walking awayNow shes left cleaning up the mess he madeFathers be good to your daughtersDaughters will love like you doGirls become lovers who turn into mothersSo mothers be good to your daughters tooBoys you can breakFind out how much they can takeBoys will be strong and boys soldier onBut boys would be gonewithout warmth of a womans good, good heartOn behalf of every man, looking out for every girlYou are the god and the weight of the worldSo fathers be good to your daughtersDaughters will love like you doGirls become lovers who turn into mothersSo mothers be good to your daughters tooSo mothers be good to your daughters tooSo mothers be good to your daughters too


在巨大成功的專輯《Room for Squares》發行的兩年以後,已然成為了葛萊美獎得主的John Mayer終於發行了他的第三張錄音室專輯《Heavier Things》,新專輯上市以後銷量持續飆高,最終首周達到了31萬6千張,輕鬆的把John Mayer送到了排行榜冠軍的寶座上,這也是他首次站在塔尖上,無論是單周銷量還是排行榜的排名都創下了個人的最高記錄,此前他只有專輯《Room for Squares》曾經以12萬多張的單周銷量進入過Billboard 200的前十名。這張專輯由美國著名的唱片製作人Jack Joseph Puig全權打造,這位曾經為包括Eric Clapton等許多大牌歌星和樂隊擔任製作人的老手已經把John Mayer多年的老搭檔John Alagia擠走了。然而這張專輯確實沒有讓人失望,不僅商業上獲得豐收,而且還贏得了苛刻的美國樂評界一致的好評。這是一張非常成熟的專輯,雖然沒有過分的宣傳和包裝,但是專輯的歌曲流露出製作人的精心和細膩,快節奏時的微調,以及旋律轉變的諧和等等,使得歌曲顯得自然流暢。與過去的歌曲相比,新專輯中的歌曲更富有張力,從硬到柔,從快到慢,悅耳的旋律和真實的歌詞被John Mayer拿捏的非常到位,而且歌詞也比以往更有深度。製作人和編曲的功力也體現的非常淋漓盡致,比如《Split Screen Sadness》中用鍵盤造出的背景不和諧音來烘托出愛情破裂時的氛圍,以及詩般的《Clarity》中用爵士小號營造的溫馨等。整個專輯中的歌曲諧和悅耳,歌曲中融合布魯斯,爵士,搖滾,RB等多種音樂的元素,配之以John Mayer出色的歌詞,以及老牌製作人的悉心料理,再加上John Mayer永不止步的音樂理想,可以想像這一張專輯又將會是對各大獎項來說非常有衝擊力的作品。


約翰・克雷頓・梅耶(英語:John Clayton Mayer,1977年10月16日-),美國創作歌手。梅、耶生於康乃狄克州,在1997年搬家至喬治亞州亞特蘭大之前,於柏克理音樂學院進修音樂、並獲得了一些支持者。他的首二張專輯《發聲中心》(Room for Squares)及《甜蜜負荷》(Heavier Things)表現出色,為梅耶贏得了多張白金認證。2003年,梅爾以歌曲〈Your Body Is a Wonderland〉一曲贏得葛萊美獎最佳流行男歌手。梅耶初期的曲風以搖滾及流行為主。直到2005年與著名的藍調歌手如比・比・金及艾瑞克・克萊普頓合作,而逐漸轉型為藍調歌手,並組成約翰梅耶三重奏(John Mayer Trio)推廣藍調。藍調的曲風可以從2006年推出的專輯《聲聲不息》(Continuum)中明顯感覺到。2007年,梅爾分別以專輯《聲聲不息》及歌曲〈Waiting on the World to Change〉贏得第四十九屆葛萊美獎最佳流行專輯及最佳流行男歌手。梅爾的事業後來擴展至單口喜劇片(stand-up comedy,粵語:棟篤笑)、設計及寫作;他並曾為雜誌寫了一些文章,大部份刊登於時尚先生雜誌(Esquire)。梅爾亦透過他創辦的Back to You 基金會參與慈善活動,並關注全球暖化問題。


歌手:薛凱琪所屬專輯:《Fiona MOOV Live 2011》發行時間:2011-08-26所屬公司:華納唱片DaughtersI know a boyShe puts the color inside of my worldShes just like a mazeWhere all of the walls all continually changeIve done all I canTo stand on the steps with my heart in my handNow Im starting to seeMaybe its got nothing to do with meFathers be good to your daughtersDaughters will love like you doGirls become lovers who turn into mothersSo mothers be good to your daughters tooOh you see that skinIts the same shes been standing inSince the day she saw him walking awayNow shes left cleaning up the mess he madeFathers be good to your daughtersDaughters will love like you doGirls become lovers who turn into mothersSo mothers be good to your daughters tooBoys you can breakFind out how much they can takeBoys will be strong and boys soldier onBut boys would be gonewithout warmth of a womans good, good heartOn behalf of every man, looking out for every girlYou are the god and the weight of the worldSo fathers be good to your daughtersDaughters will love like you doGirls become lovers who turn into mothersSo mothers be good to your daughters tooSo mothers be good to your daughters tooSo mothers be good to your daughters too


  • 2010年推出專輯:《Daughters》