Ain't Waiting歌詞

時長:03分24秒 歌手:妮可醬

歌曲名稱:Ain’t Wai歌曲名稱ng
專輯:I Feel So Good
Ain't Waiting - 妮可醬
詞:Molly Lin/小斯
曲:Molly Lin
編曲:Molly Lin
製作人:Molly Lin
配唱製作人:Molly Lin
製作協力:The Fallen Angels
錄音:魏百謙 Randy Wei@新奇鹿 Saturday Studio
混音:Sam Wheat
刪了所有 未讀照片
關上每天 開的房間
走在街上 踩著夕陽
陌生又像 熟悉一樣
Every time you take me for a ride
All I want to say is let me drive
I smile and turn to see the perfect moonlight
Ain't waiting ain't waiting tonight
留下那天 擁抱畫面
期待昨夜 說的某天
走在街上 踩著夕陽
陌生又像 熟悉一樣
Every time you take me for a ride
All I want to say is let me drive
I smile and turn to see the perfect moonlight
Ain't waiting ain't waiting tonight
Every time you take me for a ride
All I want to say is let me drive
I smile and turn to see the perfect moonlight
Ain't waiting ain't waiting tonight
Every time you take me for a ride
All I want to say is let me drive
I smile and turn to see the perfect moonlight
Ain't waiting ain't waiting tonight


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