With Him 傷感.失戀時還是不要聽為妙....歌詞

添加日期:2008-11-21 時長:04分45秒 歌手:noya

So you never meant to hurt nobody. 你從未想過傷害任何人
Well, I think you re full of it, yes, 好吧,我想你就是這么認為的,是的
Cause if you really really didn t wanna hurt nobody,因為如果你是真的真的不想傷害別人
You wouldn t have slept with my best friend, baby. 你不會和我最好的朋友共度春宵,寶貝
And to bring insult to my injury, 在我的恥辱上增加恥辱
You weren t a bit discreet, 你不會這么不小心
And while the world stood witness, 全世界作證
To my embarassment. 為我的尷尬窘迫
You put a knife inside of me. 你在我身上插了一刀
How could you fall in love with him? 你怎能和他墜入愛河?
How could you give your heart to him? 你怎能把心交給他?
Thought we d grow old, as lovers, 雖然我們作為愛人,在變老
Together til the end. 相伴到永久
How could you fall? 你怎么能夠
Fall in love, with him? 愛上他?
I know we ve had our ups and downs, 我們經歷過起起落落
And that I do admit, yes, 我承認,是的
But sometimes lovers go astray, 有時愛會進入歧途
But you made it permanent. 但是你會讓愛永遠
Well, I can t be that understanding, no. 好吧,我不能這么諒解


