Friends S07E06歌詞

添加日期:2023-12-23 時長:23分02秒 歌手:英語聽力

The reason I asked you guys out to brunch today.今天我約你們來吃早餐
is because I've been thinking about my maid of honor. 因為我一直在想伴娘的問題
Oh,my God. This is it. Oh. 我的天啊,這一刻終於到了
I hope it's you. 我希望是你
-I hope it's you. -Me too. -我希望是你 -我也是
First of all, I love you both so much. 首先,我非常愛你們
-You're both so important to me. -Blah, blah, blah. Who is it? -你們對我來說都很重要 -廢話少說,到底是誰?
I was thinking we could come up with a system... 我想,我們可以想出一個辦法…
where we trade off being maid of honor. 輪流當彼此的伴娘
-Hypothetically, if Phoebe were mine.. -Yes! Oh. -假設菲比是我的伴娘… -太棒了
Hypothetically. 那只是假設
Still. 一樣啦
If Phoebe were mine, Rachel would be Phoebe's, I'd be Rachel's. 如果菲比是我的伴娘,瑞秋是菲比的伴娘,我是瑞秋的伴娘
We all get to do it and no one gets upset. 我們都可以當伴娘 沒有人會難過
-That's a pretty good idea. -I'll do that. So, who's yours? -那是個好主意 -我要參加,誰會是你的伴娘?
Well,that's the best part. You guys get to decide. 那是最棒的 你們得決定誰是我的伴娘
-Why is that the best part? -I don't have to. -為什麼那是最棒的? -這樣我就不必決定了
Of course we'll help you decide. We'll do anything we can to help you. 當然我們會幫你決定 我們會盡力幫你
I'd like to make a toast. 我想要舉杯
To the future Mrs. Chandler Bing... 敬未來的錢德賓太太…
my best friend and truly one of the nicest people that.. 我最好的朋友跟最棒的…
-Really not deciding. -Fine. -我真的還沒有決定 -好吧
Excuse me, I couldn't help overhearing. 對不起,我不是故意要偷聽的
-You're marrying Chandler Bing? -Yeah. -你要嫁給錢德賓? -對
Good luck! 祝你好運!
Oh,and good luck to you too! 我也祝你好運
What a nice lady. 她真是好心
The One With Nap Partners 本集播出:午睡的同伴
Yeah! 太棒了
-Die Hard,still great. -Yep. -《終極警探》還是很好看 -沒錯
Let's make it a double feature? 要看第二隻片子嗎?
What else you rent? 你還租了什麼?
Die Hard 2. 《終極警探續集》
Joey, this is Die Hard 1 again. 喬伊,這也是《終極警探1》
Well, we'll watch it a second time and it's Die Hard 2. 我們要再看一遍 那就等於是《終極警探續集》
-Joey,we just saw it. -And? -喬伊,我們剛剛才看完第一集 -所以呢?
It would be cool to see it again! 再看一次一定很酷
-Yeah! Die Hard! -Die Hard! -太棒了,《終極警探》 -《終極警探》
Dude, you didn't say Die Hard. 兄弟,你沒有說《終極警探》
Is everything okay? 你還好嗎?
Yeah, I just got plans. 還好,只是我有別的事要做
Well, John McClane had plans. 約翰麥克連也有別的事要做
I want to leave before Joey gets all worked up... 我想在喬伊大開殺戒…
and starts calling everybody "*****." 開始叫大家“混蛋”前離開
What are you talking about, *****? 你在胡說什麼?混蛋
-Hey, Rachel. -Yeah? -嘿,瑞秋 -什麼事?
When I get married, will you be my maid of honor? 我結婚時,你願意當我的伴娘嗎?
Really? 真的嗎?
Oh, my God, Phoebe. I mean I'm just.. 我的天啊,菲比 我是說我…
Wait a minute. 等一下
If I'm your maid of honor, that means that you are Monica's. 如果我是你的伴娘 那表示你是摩妮卡的伴娘
Oh. 喔
Well,if that's what you want. 如果你真的想那么做隨便你
No way,Phoebe. I want to be Monica's. 想都別想,菲比 我想當摩妮卡的伴娘
-Why does it even matter? -Why does it matter to you? -為什麼這件事這么重要? -你為什麼覺得它很重要?
Because this one is now. 因為她馬上就要結婚了
And it's two of our best friends. 我們兩個最好的朋友要結婚了
And who knows what you're gonna marry. 誰知道你會嫁給什麼樣的人
What if I marry Ross? or Joey? 如果我嫁給羅斯呢?或喬伊?
You wouldn't. 你不會的
Okay, look, Rachel. I know you really want to do this... 好吧,聽我說,瑞秋 我知道你真的想當摩妮卡的伴娘…
but I've never been maid of honor to anyone before. 但我從來沒有當過伴娘
I know you've done it at least twice. 我知道你至少當過兩次伴娘
-Yeah, but Phoebe.. -Please let me finish. -對,但是菲比… -請你讓我把話說完
I guess that was it. 我猜我已經說完了
Okay. 好吧
Since you've never done it before, you can be Monica's maid of honor. 既然你沒有當過伴娘 你可以當摩妮卡的伴娘
Oh,thank you so much! 謝謝你
Yay. 好耶
I'm gonna marry someone good. 我一定會嫁給好男人
Oh, I know. 我知道
Better than Chandler. 比錢德還棒
-What happened? -I don't know. -發生了什麼事? -我不知道
We fell asleep. That is all. 我們睡著了,就那么簡單
Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. 對,對嗎?對
All right, well, I'd better go. 好了,我得走了
-I think that would be best. -Yeah. -我想那是最好的 -沒錯
-I'll talk to you later. -Okay. -我待會再跟你談 -好
-But not about this. -No,never. Never! -但千萬別談這件事 -沒錯,永遠都別提
-Bye. -No touch. No touch. -再見 -別碰我
Hey,a weird thing happened at brunch. 我去吃早午餐時發生了一件怪事
This woman overheard that I was marrying you... 有個女人不經意聽到 我要嫁給你…
and she wished me good luck. 她跑來祝我好運
That's sweet. 那真的是太好了
No,it was more like a "good luck." 不,她的意思是“祝你好運”
So,what did this woman look like? 那個女人長什麼樣子?
She was, like, 30, dark hair, attractive. 她大概三十歲 深色頭髮,很漂亮
Any chance you were looking into a bright, shiny thing called a mirror? 你該不會是剛好 看到一種叫做鏡子的東西吧?
Was it someone you dated in college? 她會是你大學時的女朋友嗎?
No, I only dated two girls in college... 不,在大學時 我只交過兩個女朋友…
both blond, both not attractive. 她們都是金髮,也不漂亮
Let me check this out. 讓我看看
-What are you doing? -Well,let's see. -你在做什麼? -來瞧瞧吧
Okay, is that her? 好吧,是她嗎?
Oh, my God, yes! 我的天啊,沒錯
-Who is she? -Julie Graff, my camp girlfriend. -她是誰? -茱麗葛拉菲,我的夏令營女朋友
Did you break up with her? 你跟她分手了?
No, we're still together. 不,我們還在一起
We went out for two summers and then I broke up with her. 我們交往了兩個暑假 後來我跟她分手了
-Why? -She came back the third summer... -為什麼? -第三年的暑假…
and she'd gotten really fa.. 她變得有一點…
-Fat? -I did not say fat. -胖? -我沒有那么說
I said fa.. 我是說…
You broke up with a girl because she was fat? 你只因為女生胖 就跟她分手?
Yeah. Yeah. 對
But it was a really long time ago. Does she still feel bad? 但那真的是很久以前的事了 她還在難過嗎?
Apparently she does. 看起來是的
You know what they say: "Elephants never forget." 有句俗話說: “大象永遠都不會忘記”
Seriously, good luck marrying me. 說真的,祝你好運
Hey, what's going on? 嘿,發生了什麼事?
She's Monica's maid of honor. 她是摩妮卡的伴娘
Hope it goes better than the last time you did it for that girl downstairs. 希望這次會比上次 你幫樓下那個女孩當伴娘順利
You have been maid of honor before? 你以前當過伴娘?
You see? This is exactly why you shouldn't lie. 你看吧? 那就是人不能說謊的原因
That's it. I am maid of honor. 夠了,我是伴娘
-No,I am. -How come you are? -不,我才是 -為什麼?
Because I cared enough to lie. 因為我在乎到不惜說謊
Hey,I could help you decide who should do it. 我可以幫你們決定 該由誰來當伴娘
We could have an audition. 我們應該辦甄試會
See how you'd handle maid-of-honor-type situations. 看看你們當伴娘時 會怎么處理突髮狀況
-What do you mean? -When I want a job... -你是什麼意思 -當我需要一份工作時…
I audition and if I'm the best of the people they see... 我會去試鏡 如果他們覺得我是最棒的…
I get the part. 我就可以演出
So, okay, so after this audition, who decides who gets it? 好了,甄試完畢後 誰來決定伴娘人選?
Oh,me and Ross can be the judges. 我跟羅斯可以當評審
-It's better than us deciding. -Oh, this is crazy. -這要比讓我們自己來決定好 -這太瘋狂了
-Can't we just flip a coin? -No, coins hate me. -我們不能丟銅板決定嗎? -不,銅板恨我
Okay, fine. You know what? We will let Ross and Joey decide. 好吧,你知道嗎? 我們讓羅斯跟喬伊來決定
Hi! 嗨
Ross, sweetie. 羅斯,甜心
Hey there, handsome thing. 你好,大帥哥
Wow, this cologne really is every bit as good as Giorgio. 這種古龍水跟亞曼尼的一樣棒
Hey. 嘿
Just brought back your videos. 我把錄影帶拿來還你
Hey, Ross. Look, I think we need to talk about before. 羅斯,聽著 我想我們需要談談之前的事
No. No, we don't. 不,千萬別提那件事
Yes, we do. 不,我們非談不可
Now, look. That was the best nap I ever had. 好了,聽我說 那是我睡得最香甜的一覺
I don't know what you're talking about. 我不知道你在說什麼
Come on, admit it. 少來了,承認吧
That was the best nap you ever had. 那是你睡過最香甜的一覺
I've had better. 我有過更棒的經驗
Okay. When? 好吧,什麼時候?
All right! All right! It was the best nap ever! 好吧,好吧 那是我睡過最香甜的一覺
I said it, okay? 我承認,好嗎?
But it's over, Joey! 但那都已經過去了,喬伊
I want to do it again. 我想再來一次
We can't do it again. 我們不能再來一次
-Why not? -Because it's weird! -為什麼? -因為那太奇怪了
Fine. 好吧
You want a drink? 你想喝點東西嗎?
-Sure. What do you got? -Warm milk and Excedrin PM. -好啊,你有什麼? -溫牛奶跟抗組胺藥
Chandler. 錢德
I just figured out who you are. 我剛剛才知道你是誰
Can you figure out what I'm doing? 你知道我在做什麼嗎?
-You're Louis Posen. -Who? -你是路易斯波森 -誰?
He was my best friend in fifth grade. 他是我五年級時最好的朋友
One day,I asked him to be my boyfriend and he said no. 有一天我要他當我男朋友 他拒絕了
Do you know why? 你知道為什麼嗎?
Because you kept talking to him while he was trying to go to the bathroom? 因為他上廁所時 你一直在跟他說話?
No,but because he thought I was too fa.. 不,因為他覺得我太…
Every time I think about it, I feel as bad as I did then. 每次想到這件事 我還是會覺得很難過
I really think you should apologize to Julie. 我真的覺得你該跟茱麗道歉
Honey, are you kidding? That was like 16 years ago. 甜心,你在開玩笑嗎? 那是十六年前的事
It would make me feel better if Louis apologized to me. 如果路易斯能跟我道歉 我會覺得好過一點
I'll do it. But I warn you, this may make me a better person. 我會跟她道歉,但我警告你 這會讓我變成更棒的男人
And that is not the man you fell in love with. 而那不是你愛上的那個男人
Okay, we'll give you hypothetical maid-of-honor situations. 好吧,我們會假設突髮狀況 來考驗你們當伴娘的資格
You'll be scored on a scale of one to ten. 計分範圍從一分到十分
-One being the highest. -Ten is the highest. -一分是最高分 -十分才是最高分
-Why is 10 the highest? -Because it's the highest. -為什麼十分是最高分? -因為它是最大的數字
Okay, Rachel, you're up first. 好了,瑞秋,你先來
Situation number one: You're with Monica. 一號突髮狀況 你跟摩妮卡在一起
The wedding is about to start when Monica gets cold feet. Go! 婚禮就要開始了 摩妮卡想臨陣脫逃,開始
I don't want to marry Chandler. 我不想嫁給錢德
-I've got cold feet. -It's gonna be okay. -我想臨陣脫逃 -沒事的
One man the rest of my life? I don't know. 跟一個男人共度一生? 我不知道
This means I'll never get to sleep with Joey. 這表示我永遠 都不能跟喬伊上床了
Look, Monica... 聽我說,摩妮卡…
getting cold feet is very common. 臨陣脫逃是常見的事
It's just because of all the anticipation. 那是因為你期待過高
And you just have to remember that you love Chandler. 你只要記住你愛錢德
And also,I ran out on a wedding. 我也逃婚過
You don't get to keep the gifts. 逃婚的人得退還禮物
Drawing on your own experience. 你引述親身經驗
Very good. 非常好
Yes, very nice, Rachel. 沒錯,很好,瑞秋
Thank you, judges. 謝謝評審
-Kiss ass. -Oh. -馬屁精 -喔
-Okay, Phoebe. -Yes, Your Honor. -好了,菲比 -是的,大人
We're now in the ceremony. 婚禮舉行到一半
Monica is about to say, "I do"... 摩妮卡正要說我願意的時候…
when her drunk uncle starts yelling. 可是她的叔叔喝得爛醉 開始亂吼亂叫
What do you do? Go! 你會怎么做?開始
When Monica was a little girl... 摩妮卡還小的時候…
I remember that.. 我記得…
Ow! 好痛!
-Very good! -Oh. -非常好 -喔
Yes,excellent. Perfect score. 好極了,我給你滿分
She just made a scene in the middle of the ceremony! 她破壞了正在進行中的婚禮
Hey, you want a little taste of Phoebe? 嘿,你想嘗嘗菲比的厲害嗎?
It is time for you to give your maid-of-honor speech. 現在你們得以伴娘的身份 說出對新人的賀詞
We haven't even prepared.. 我們還沒有準備…
-Go! -Okay, okay, okay. -開始 -好吧
Webster's Dictionary defines marriage as.. 韋伯斯特大字典 對婚姻的定義是…
Okay, no! Forget that! That sucks! Okay,never mind. Forget it. 好了,不,忘了它,那段賀詞太爛了 別在意,忘了它吧
I met.. I met Monica when we were just a couple of 6-year-olds... 我遇見…我認識摩妮卡時 我們只是六歲大的小女孩…
and became friends with Chandler when he was 25... 我們在錢德二十五歲時 成了朋友…
although he seemed like a 6-year-old. 雖然他看起來 很像六歲大的孩子
Oh. 喔
Thank you. Thank you very much. 謝謝,感激不盡
I've known them separately and together. 我看過他們單身 跟交往時的樣子
To know them as a couple is to know that you are in the presence of love. 我知道他們交往時 深愛著彼此
So I would like to raise my glass... 現在我想舉杯…
to Monica and Chandler... 敬摩妮卡跟錢德…
and the beautiful adventure they are about to embark upon together. 還有他們要攜手共度的 美好冒險歷程
I can think of no two people better prepared for the journey. 我認為他們做好了 萬全的準備要展開這段旅程
Wow. 哇
-Great speech. -Yeah, it really was. -說的好 -沒錯,真的很棒
Oh,thanks. 謝謝
Okay, Phoebe, I guess you're next. Although I really don't see the point. 好了,菲比,下一個是你 雖然我覺得那么做是多餘的
Okay. 好吧
I can't believe that Monica and Chandler are getting married. 我不敢相信摩妮卡 跟錢德要結婚了
I remember talking about this day with Rachel... 我還記得 我跟瑞秋談過這一天…
while we were showering together, naked. 那時我們一起沖澡 全身一絲不掛
And she's back in the game! 她大逆轉了
Julie. Hi. 茱麗,嗨
Chandler Bing. I guess you remember me. 我是錢德賓 我猜你還記得我
Hello, Skidmark. 你好,備胎
It's a nickname. I'll explain later. 那是我的綽號,待會再跟你解釋
It's pretty clear. 我看得出來原因
I owe you a long,overdue apology. 我很早以前就該跟你道歉
I shouldn't have broken up with you because of your weight. 我不該只因為你很胖 就跟你分手
That's why you broke up with me? 那是你跟我分手的原因?
You didn't know that? 你不知道啊?
Well, I guess my work here is done. 看來我的任務已經達成
First of all, I would like to say you both performed very well, okay? 但首先我要說 你們兩個都表現的很好,好嗎?
You should be proud. 你們應該覺得驕傲
And I'd also like to say, in this competition, there are no losers. 我還想說在這場比賽里 沒有人是輸家
Well, except Rachel. Damn it! 瑞秋除外,該死
Really? I won. 真的嗎?我贏了
-What? -I'm sorry, Rach, it was really close. -什麼? -對不起,瑞秋,分數真的很接近
-Well, then I demand a recount! -Actually, it wasn't that close. -那么我要求重新計分 -事實上也沒有那么接近
You know what? Your thing was so stupid anyway. 你知道嗎? 反正你們的方法太愚蠢了
We're gonna flip a coin, all right? 我們來丟銅板決定,好嗎?
Heads. 正面
What? The coins have finally forgiven me! 什麼?銅板終於原諒我了
Know what? I hope Monica forgives you after you throw her... 你知道嗎?我希望摩妮卡 會原諒你,因為你會用…
vegetarian-voodoo-goddess-circle-y shower. 用怪力亂神的素食主義方式 對著她灑花片
Rach, it's gonna be okay. You guys are the best! 瑞秋,沒關係的 你們帥呆了
Boy, I tell you. That judging stuff took a lot out of me. 天啊,我得告訴你 當評審真的把我累壞了
-Yeah? -Yeah. -是嗎? -沒錯
Thinking about maybe going upstairs and taking a little nap on my couch. 我想或許我該上樓去 在我的沙發上好好睡一覺
Why would I care about that? 那關我什麼事?
No reason. I'm just saying that... 不為什麼,我只是說…
that's where I'll be. 我會在那裡
As bad as that went, I actually enjoyed myself. 雖然結局不如預期中理想 事實上我很滿意自己的表現
I think that I'm going to apologize for all the stupid things that I do. 我想我要為我做過的 所有蠢事道歉
Why don't you just stop doing stupid things? 你為什麼不改掉 做蠢事的習慣?
-Then you wouldn't have to apologize. -I'd love it if I could do both. -那樣子你就不必道歉了 -我希望可以兩個一起做
All right, I have to ask. 好吧,我得問你
What? 什麼?
Will you break up with me if I get fat? 如果我變胖了 你會跟我分手嗎?
What? 什麼?
You broke up with Julie. How much weight did she gain? 你跟茱麗分手 她變得有多胖呢?
A hundred and forty-five pounds. 她胖了一百四十五磅
In one year? 在一年之內?
My God, what did she eat? Her family? 天啊,她吃了什麼? 她的家人嗎?
That's not the point. 那不是重點
I know it was a stupid reason to break up with someone, but I was 15. 我知道那樣子跟別人分手太蠢了 但當時我才十五歲
Yeah, well, that's not the only time this was an issue. 對,不只十五歲的男孩 覺得肥胖是個問題
You remember when you spent Thanksgiving with us? 你還記得 你跟我們一起過感恩節的事嗎?
You called me fat. 你罵我胖
Wait a minute. 等一下
-That was totally different. -How? -那完全是另一回事 -怎么說?
You were not supposed to hear that. I said that behind your back. 你不該聽到那句話 我是在你背後偷偷說的
What if I have babies, okay? I'm gonna look different. 如果我懷孕了呢? 我會變得跟現在不一樣
I'm okay with that, but I'm not sure you are. 我可以接受那樣的事 但我不相信你能做到
You have to realize I don't think of you as a thin, beautiful woman. 你得了解我不認為 你是個苗條的大美女
This is one of the things that I can apologize for later. 我待會兒就會為這種事情道歉
What I mean is,you're Monica. 我是說你是摩妮卡
Okay? And I am in love with Monica. 我嗎?我愛上的人是摩妮卡
Keep going. 繼續說
So you can balloon up or you can shrink down... 不論你變胖或是變瘦…
and I will still love you. 我還是會愛你
Even if I were to shrink down to 2 inches tall? 即使我縮小到只有兩寸高?
I'd carry you around in my pocket. 我會把你放在我的口袋裡
I love you. 我愛你
Skidmark still got a way with the ladies. 備胎還是對女人很有一套
Hi,Phoebe. 嗨,菲比
-Hi. -Hi. -嗨 -嗨
I just want to apologize. 我來跟你道歉
I'm really sorry I was a baby. 我真的很抱歉我太孩子氣了
That's ridiculous. Rachel, we were all babies once. 那太可笑了 瑞秋,我們都曾經是小孩子
Oh, you mean today. Yeah. 你是說今天的事,沒錯
Yeah, and you know, you deserve to win. 對,你知道嗎? 你應該贏的
And I was thinking about it. 我一直在想這件事
If you're Monica's maid of honor, I get to be yours. 如果你是摩妮卡的伴娘 那我就是你的伴娘
-Oh,yeah. -Yeah. -沒錯 -對
When Monica and Chandler got engaged, I put some stuff together. 摩妮卡跟錢德訂婚時 我收集了一些東西
-Just in case. -Oh, that's so sweet. Thanks. -以防萬一 -那真的是太好了,謝謝
Here is a book of poetry that I know Monica loves. 我知道摩妮卡 很喜歡這本詩集
Oh, God, this is funny. Look. 天啊,這真有趣,你看
Here's a picture from one Halloween when she dressed up as a bride. 這是有一年萬聖節 她打扮成新娘的照片
She made me carry her train... 她要我幫她拉婚紗
which was weird because I was Wonder Woman. 那真的很奇怪 因為我扮的是神力女超人
Oh, and here's a little purse that I found. 喔,這是我發現的小包包
I just thought they could hold the rings in there. 我想應該可以把婚戒放在這裡
-Oh. -Something. And... -喔 -還有…
vintage handkerchiefs, you know, because people cry at weddings. 上好的手帕 因為很多人會在婚禮哭
I'm just gonna grab a couple of these. 我得拿幾條走
This stuff is great. 這真的是棒極了
I forgot this was in here. 我都忘了我把它放在這裡
This was the garter that I was saving for my wedding. 這是我留下來 要在自己婚禮上用的吊襪帶
And I wanted it to be Monica's "something borrowed." 我希望它能成為 被摩妮卡“借走的東西”
And it's blue. 它是藍色的
Rach, I think that you should be Monica's maid of honor. 瑞秋,我認為你應該 當摩妮卡的伴娘
You do? 真的嗎?
-Why? -Because I think it means more to you. -為什麼? -因為我想這對你來說意義重大
But, Phoebe, honey, you earned it. 但菲比,你贏了
It's fine. I mean, this is something... 沒關係,我是說…
that you've been thinking about since you were, what, 14? 你從十四歲就想這么做了吧?
No, I was 10. I just developed early. 不,那時我才十歲 我發育的很早
Man alive! 我的天啊
-Hey, what's going on? -Hey! -嘿,怎么了? -嘿
We just decided Rachel is going to be your maid of honor. 我們剛決定由瑞秋來當你的伴娘
Oh, that's great! 那真的是太棒了
Oh, wow. Okay, we really have to start planning. 哇,太棒了 我們得開始計畫
I have really specific ideas. 我有很多特別的好點子
We should meet four times a week. 我們應該一星期開四次會
Come to my place, we'll get together before work. 到我家來 我們得在上班前開會
What do you say, 6:30, my place? So excited! 你覺得如何?六點半,我家見 太棒了
Yeah, okay. You laugh now. 好吧,你現在笑吧
She's gonna be yours. 她會是你的伴娘
Great nap. 我睡得好熟
It really was. 我也是
What the hell are you doing? 你在做什麼?
God! 天啊
Excuse me. 失陪了


