My Second Self歌詞

添加日期:2023-12-10 時長:03分30秒 歌手:Skinny_Alex

作詞 : A.u
作曲 : A.u
編曲: A.u
When I see myself into the mirror 當我看著鏡子裡的自己
I see one, lost and gray old face 一張迷茫灰白的臉在慢慢老去
I miss those days when I was you 我懷念當我還是你的日子
We once had, so much fun and laughs 有那么多吵吵鬧鬧 歡聲笑語
I’d call what we’ve done stupidity or teen spirit 無論曾經做的是愚蠢遊戲 還是少年心氣
Those ups and downs are reminiscent 那些開心和傷心,榮耀和失落
of those happy moments I once had總讓我將快樂的時光想起
But all I've got is a photograph可現在只剩照片陪我回到過去
How many days have passed since we’ve been apart 多少天已過去 自從我們別離
Only your smile shines my lonely heart 只剩你的笑臉 點燃我孤獨的心
How many years have passed since we’ve been apart 多少年已過去 自從我們別離
If you are still there, will you send me a post card 如果還能聽見 你是否會給我寄明信片?
You were so into science fictions, like aliens 你曾對科幻小說和外星人如此著迷
But I become such a boring man 可是我卻如此庸俗無趣
This world is changing much faster 這個世界變化太快
than from you to me....我來不及挽留 就失去了你
How many days have passed since we’ve been apart 多少天已過去 自從我們別離
Only your smile shines my lonely heart 只剩你的笑臉 點燃我孤獨的心
How many years have passed since we’ve been apart 多少年已過去 自從我們別離
If you are still there, will you send me a post card 如果能聽見 你是否會給我寄明信片?
If you are still there, will you send me a post card 如果能聽見 你是否會給我寄明信片?
a lot has happened to me this past ten years. 過去十年發生了太多
a lot of hard lessons have learned
a lot of hard time has been through 我曾以往鑒來,也曾步履蹣跚
I only wish that there are some ways to send a message back in time 而現在只希望你能回來
Maybe save myself some heartache 陪我抹平心傷
It’s too late now, . 也許已太晚
but these words just need to be said但這些話這首歌讓我有勇氣再次成為你的延續


