
添加日期:2023-08-27 時長:03分11秒 歌手:燭紤

Saturday morning周六清晨
the sun shines bright曙光明朗
even town falling縱使城鎮破敗坍塌
engrave on my mind你在我心中刻骨銘心
just now剛才
you smile to me你沖我微笑
Saturday morning周六清晨
the sun shines bright曙光明朗
even town falling縱使萬千樓閣頃刻幻滅
engrave on my mind我亦對你念念不忘
just now就在剛才
you smile to me你沖我微笑
hey girl嘿,親愛的
i dont want to be real chill遇到你之後我不願再冷漠
just let me open my soul就讓我對你坦白我的靈魂
tell i love u然後告訴你 我濃烈的愛
hope that will be somedays我多希望將來某天
i can kiss your lips我可以輕吻你雙唇
you look into my eyes你久久凝視著我雙眼
say we are on the way說們將在彼此人生中交融糾纏
in this world just island ok?在偌大世界僅是孤島嗎?
we are cold to other always?為何我們對他人常常冷若冰霜?
is a hug or kiss not least?擁抱和吻是此生必須嗎?
just now此刻
i know我醒悟了
so find the one you're meant to be去吧勇敢地找尋你的真命天子
dont merely gonna wait to me不要只是站在原地等待我的到來
this moment why we met這個瞬間我們為何遇見
coffee,tea or u wanna me?世間萬物和我你選擇哪個?
just now此刻
you smile你笑了
i ,.. i ..like i'm sorry我…我喜歡啊..抱歉
i just want to say is我只是想說...
i like u我喜歡你”
Saturday morning周六清晨
the sun shines bright曙光明朗
even town falling縱使城鎮破敗坍塌
engrave on my mind此刻深深印在我的腦海
just now此刻
you smile to me你沖我笑了
Saturday morning周六清晨
the sun shines bright曙光明朗
even town falling縱使城鎮破敗坍塌
engrave on my mind此刻深深印在我的腦海
just now 剛才
you smile to me你沖我笑了
hey girl嘿,親愛的
i dont wanna lose this moment我不想錯失這個時機
watch my eyes then have my lips大膽的看著我的眼睛接著用愛占據我的雙唇
you glitter like a diamond你如鑽石般閃爍
susurround you oh baby讓我伴你左右
dance with you與你翩翩起舞
am i wrong,do you?我心中萬千憂慮你能否感同身受
fall in love with you與你墜入愛河
even town falling縱使萬千樓閣頃刻幻滅
engrave on my mind我對你的愛固若磐石
you smile to me ah你對我微笑
you smile to me你對我微笑
at dawn在黎明破曉
at dawn在黎明破曉
at dawn在黎明破曉
SP : SparkMusic火花音悅


