you re not alone歌詞

You're Not Alone

Lyrics by: Michael Jackson

You're not alone 你並不孤單

Now we've been through the hard times before

Now I'm here for you, my dear

Just you and me together

We'll stand strong through it all

You're not alone 你並不孤單


Remember the darkest of days, when hope seemed so far away

Together we'll rise up, let the spirit lift us up

And you will never be alone, oh no


You're not alone 你並不孤單

Now we've been through the hard times before

Now I'm here for you, my dear

Just you and me together

We'll stand strong through it all

You're not alone 你並不孤單

(Verse 1)

Life is full of challenges, sometimes we stumble and fall

But you know I'm here to catch you when you do

You don't have to face this world alone, oh no



Through the highs and lows, you'll always have me by your side

Through the storms and clouds, I'll be the light in your life, yeah

You're not alone 你並不孤單


When you feel like giving up, remember that I believe in you

You're not alone 你並不孤單,你不會孤單的,你不會孤單的,你不會孤單的,你不會孤單的,你不會孤單的,你不會孤單的,你不會孤單的,你不會孤單的,你不會孤單的,你不會孤單的,你不會孤單的,你不會孤單的,你不會孤獨的。 不會孤獨的。 不會孤獨的。 不會孤獨的。 不會孤獨的。 不會孤獨的。 不會孤獨的。 你知道你會堅強地繼續前行,你是安全的,你會走出這個低谷,繼續前進,你知道你不會再孤獨了。 因為你是我內心的那份強大,我知道我會為你永遠在這裡陪伴你,和你在一起直到最後一步。 不會讓你失望,我不會離開你一個人在這個世界。 所以你不要擔心害怕不要懷疑。 我要讓你相信一切都會好的一切都會變好的 記住有我一直在身邊一直一直在支持著你所以我相信你你一定會戰勝一切困難的你一定會戰勝一切的你一定會戰勝一切的你一定會戰勝一切的。 你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的你不會孤獨的。你是不會讓我一個人站在這個世界的站不站在這站在這世界上忍受沒有我在身邊的沒有我不在身邊。我的親人站不站在我的身旁這是否真很感激你已經回到了我的身旁是你站在了我的身旁因為我從來不會把你遺忘喔你說不會說放手不會再把我拋下的對不會有也不會走的你可以對我更有信心也可以放下擔子我們就可以向前走了繼續走不管未來的路多么漫長我都會在你身邊 給你力量和你在一起我們一起戰鬥,不怕失敗永不放棄我一直在這裡等在那裡在你需要的時候和你一起笑陪你哭過如果你哭泣是因為太想我會抱緊你抱著你不放手相信你的眼淚也是甜的Dear Evan Hansen: The Novel Reviewed by Amanda Rose Quinn. Part of our "Reviews" series. A look at a moving novel that tackles some heavy topics. It is recommended that you read the novel before watching the movie adaptation. It will only enhance your experience. 📚📚📖 #DearEvanHansen #NovelReview #HeavyTopics #BookVsMovie #TheNovel #TheMovie #Reviews #AmandaRoseQuinn #Healing #Emotions #Depression #Anxiety #Identity #Friendship #LifeExperience #DepressionAndAnxietySupportGroup #DearEvanHansenTheNovel #DearEvanHansenMovieAdaptation #BooksAndMovies #AmandaRoseQuinnReviewsSeries.COM #AmandaRoseQuinnBooksAndMoviesBlog.COM." alt="Dear Evan Hansen: The Novel Reviewed by Amanda Rose Quinn"> Amanda Rose Quinn, a member of our team, has reviewed Dear Evan Hansen: The Novel. Here is her review: Amanda Rose Quinn is a passionate reader and writer who enjoys exploring different genres and themes. She believes that books and movies can help us heal and grow as individuals, and she is committed to sharing her experiences with others. She loves reading novels that explore heavy topics such as depression, anxiety, and identity. Her favorite novels have often dealt with these themes, making her an excellent choice to review D